Xavier looked over the job board, nothing interested him, the jobs were small time to say the least. He sighed disappointed, this was odd for Vekia, normally decent jobs could be found. He turned around and a large man bumped into him. "Hey you stupid hooded bastard, at least say your sorry, you stepped on my foot." Xavier couldn't be bothered with this loud, obnoxious oaf so he continues walking back towards the stalls. "Hey I'm talking to ya." The man grabs the back of Xavier's cloak stopping him, the man's paw on Xavier's shoulder made him angry. Xavier lifted his hands up slowly pulling the mask down and then the hood, he didn't like being in the sunlight but it wasn't the same as when he had been a blooded fledgling. The man growls again "Ya think your some important person or something mate? He chuckles as three more men walk out to assist him. Xavier smiles his eyes almost glowing with feral pleasure. He says in a very calm voice "You four are going to be easy." He chuckles and the man spins him around and tries to land a hit on the vampire, Xavier sidesteps brushing the blow away and pushes the leader away flowing around him and at the two coming behind him. Xavier disarms one, breaking his arm as he does so and flips him onto the ground, kicking the side of his head. The mercenary then grabs the other by the throat and picks him up onto his shoulders and throws him against a wall, the man's back slamming hard against the stone surface. Xavier turns around and chuckles "Now there was only two." He says walking towards them, the other henchman goes after Xavier, a knife in his hands, Xavier easily smacks the man's wrist knocking the blow harmlessly away and grabs the man by his shirt collar, headbutting him, and then just letting the man drop unconscious. The large man, full of bluster just a moment ago, falls back as he tries turning and running from the vampire, Xavier's hands grab him up, an amazing feat of strength even for one as big as Xavier, and he slams the oaf into a wall, the man's head coming down onto a step, no doubt breaking the buffoons skull. Onlookers were saddened that it was over so fast, Xavier simply pulled up his mask, and hood and ran off to a nearby alleyway, hoping to get lost within the crowds before the guards showed up, he did not need to stay in a jail cell without his own amenities.