Cs Name: Link Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/33x7epw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2zpqi2v.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Link is a kind person, who will do absolutely anything to protect the innocent. He often trains and himself within the academy. He has never seen the surface before, and has always wondered what it would be like down there, if anything. Rumours have it, that there is nothing below the clouds. Bio: Link has no knowledge of the surface below the clouds. He doesn't know about the prophecy at all. He has never heard of it. He lives in an ancient place called Skyloft. A place hidden thousands of feet above the clouds. If one falls, it would be instant death. Element: Wind Power 1: Ziz Physiology Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: Pet Name: Skye Pet Age: 10 Pet Gender: Male Pet Appearance: Check appearance. Pet Power: Psychic Pet Name: Midnight Pet Age: 100 Pet Gender: Male Pet Appearance: [IMG]http://img05.deviantart.net/990c/i/2012/186/e/4/my_mother__s_true_loftwing__by_nicole765643663-d565hqa.png[/IMG]