[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ava%20Brie%20Mossos%0A&name=Sweetly%20Broken.ttf&size=125&style_color=41E0D0[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Z09GDLq.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] School → The Wide-Open Road → Mossos Mansion [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b]PCs: Alexandros, Josie [@Dirty Pretty Lies] NPCs:[sub]click names for link to image/gifs[/sub]; The Love Birds([url=https://49.media.tumblr.com/06d5210db4a4b75c9cf7a5749b38797a/tumblr_nb9w5oFVfp1slhkaxo1_500.gif][color=e62020]Jade[/color][/url], [url=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7ut1mwJjG1rt3fn2.gif][color=844dff]Grant[/color][/url]), The Wonder Twins([url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/951384112cd9e735e5b48985b081883b/tumblr_mho26dt3d11qjnqapo1_400.gif][color=firebrick]Ellie[/color][/url], [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/7289e9ad3925df296b78c4bf13bb7408/tumblr_inline_mxenqfcTpt1srq1cb.gif][color=6495ed]Corvin/Corey[/color][/url])[hr][/center] [color=40e0d0][I]Boring ass teachers. Boring ass classes. Boring ass lectures. All just really, really boring.[/I][/color] Ava Brie Mossos found herself trying to find words to sum up how little fun her Chemistry class was. Let her be the first one to tell you that the long, long, [I]long[/I] stylings of Miss Zepper was not exactly what Ava would call a good time. She didn’t mind learning about science stuff. To be quite honest, Chemistry actually excited her. It was one those few classes that she enjoyed reading about and learning about. What she did not particularly care for was the fact that Miss Zepper had all the excitement - and dullness - as watching paint dry did. Truly, if it wasn’t for the fact that she needed to get the notes down, Ava might have skipped when she had the chance, but nope! She just had to take her sweet-ass time eating her lunch, and hanging out with Jade and Grant . Yup, what fun that was indeed. In the hour of the lunch break, Ava occasionally pitched it to those two love birds about possibly hopping into her car, and driving to the beach. Or generally somewhere that wasn’t school. Ava wasn’t really sure if they heard her since they happened to be sucking each other’s faces. Whatever, Ava didn’t really need to leave at all. Let her suffer through the torments of Chemistry(again, not that bad). Still, she really was feeling the prospect of going to the beach. Oh well, she would simply have to endure her next — and final class of the day, English with Mr. Tomers…but one thing! [color=40e0d0]“Mr. Tomers isn’t here?”[/color] Ava found that out just minutes after some substitute came. Apparently he stopped an altercation with his stepdaughter and Viola Banks. [color=40e0d0]“God that fucking cunt. I swear, if--”[/color] And then she began to hear the rest from the peanut gallery(the gossip queens, Ellie Taylor and her twin brother, Corvin Taylor, Jade‘s younger siblings; the twins). Apparently Alexandros Mossos was involved. [color=40e0d0]“--You fucking dumbass. I told you that she would get you into trouble. I TOLD YOU!”[/color] Ava meant for that to be low, but apparently she was talking loudly. She looked at those that were giving her odd looks. Like it mattered. She really didn’t care if they thought she was crazy or weird. Everyone knew Ava Mossos had deep hate for Viola and a form of annoynace with her brother. Whatever. Class began and soon it was over. A sub played a video for the class. Ava spent the majority of it just talking. She conversed with The Gossip Queens. She wanted to know what the latest news around school was, and apparently Audrey Huntsberg gave Analise Arnette a good talking to about how the latter slept with Jackson Aurum. Ava was surprised. That sweet girl Ana actually did something worth mentioning. Usually she was off the radar, but now her name was higher on the Gossip chain than even the self-proclaimed Queen Bee, Dominique Saunders. [color=40e0d0]“It’s as it should be. Dominique is no queen, that much I can agree with my brother on.”[/color] Ava rarely spoke about agreeing with Alexandros, but even she could agree that Dominique didn’t have what it took to be a queen. Plus, with her parents splitting, should she really be running the school? “What makes you say that, Ava?” Corey and Ellie asked in unison. [color=40e0d0]“Her parents are heading to spitsville. Audrey is best to run the school halls.”[/color] Ava said freely. [color=6495ed]“Don’t let Dominique catch you say that.”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“Or what?”[/color] [color=firebrick]“She might make you public enemy number one.”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“Oh really? That will be [I]simply horrible[/I]. Can’t have that? Oh noooooo!”[/color] [color=firebrick]“Real funny, Ava.”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“What? I’m serious you two. That would be the end of the world as we know it! Domi the queen must not hear me speak against her! IT’S BLASPHAMY!” [/color] [color=6495ed]“Okay, you’ve made your point.”[/color] Corey said, urging Ava to just shut the hell up. Ava gave him a mossos grin, then shrugged. [color=40e0d0]“But seriously, I really don’t care if Dominique wants to come after me or not. I can handle her. Audrey’s the one I don’t want to anger. Legit, I heard she blew up Miss Nelson’s car.”[/color] “Heard?” The twins asked in unison. [color=40e0d0]“It’s not from a reliable source, but apparently a year or so ago, Janice fucked Alex. Audrey found out, and, well, you heard how she went off on her best friend. Ya gotta wonder how bad it was against someone she hardly knew.”[/color] Ava strangely smiled as she spoke. [color=6495ed]“Why are you smiling?”[/color] [center][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/BvQ8VuF.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Hsjng4R.gif[/img][/center][hr] Ava shrugged. Ellie and Corvin slowly turned their heads around. Perfect timing since the bell had just rang, and everyone got their bags. Ava wasn’t far behind the masses. While most already were leaving, Ava was waiting for Corey and Ellie. Those two oddballs better hurry their asses up or she might just leave them in the dust of her assorted blue outfit, but she wouldn’t have to. Within a half of a minute, they were right behind her. Of course like the Taylor Twins always do, they were right beside each other. Those fuckers, but at least their finally following her lead; and thus they made their ways through the halls. It wasn’t a long trek. Past the herd of students that were pushing and shoving, turning corners to get to their lockers, and just ten minutes later, they would run into Jade and Grant. Of course they were embracing each other, but really? [color=40e0d0]“Do you two really have to have your hands on each other’s privates? Anyone could see.”[/color] Ava sighed, trying to avoid eye contact. Jade smirked and Grant laughed. [color=40e0d0]“You sick fucks.”[/color] Ava sighed. Jade gave a tongue smile to Ava, to which the latter sighed and shoot her head. [color=40e0d0]“You two need a ride?”[/color] Ava asked the love birds. [color=e62020]“Nah, gonna catch a ride with his mom.”[/color] Jade said, brushing off the gesture. [color=40e0d0]“And what about you two?”[/color] Ava asked the wonder twins. [color=firebrick]“Sure if it’s not out of your way.”[/color] Ellie said bashfully. [color=40e0d0]“Nah, it’s on my way, so I don’t mind.”[/color] Ava smiled. Corey and Ellie followed Ava into the parking lot. They would have followed her more, but she stopped after seeing that Alexandros’ Ferrari was missing. Usually it was still there until [I]at least[/I] an hour after the school hours ended. [color=40e0d0]“That fucker must’ve ditched.”[/color] Ava cursed and shook her head. [color=6495ed]“Oh right, I forgot about that rumor.”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“What rumor?”[/color] [color=6495ed]“Apparently he left during lunch break with some redhead. A new student, I think.” [/color]Corey said, pondering on that thought. [color=40e0d0]“Redhead? Huh. Didn’t think Alex went for those types. His past loves have all been latina. Better not be another floozy.”[/color] Ava swore if it was, she would kick his ass — and this time would be serious. [color=40e0d0]“Whatever, let’s go. Don’t want your parents to think you’re actually socializing.”[/color] Ava laughed. The twins didn’t. Ava shrugged, leading them to her car. With Ava in the driver’s seat and the wonder twins taking vacancy in the back seat, Ava revved up the engine of 2012 Infiniti G37s Convertible. It roared loud and proud. As soon as the car was in drive, her Pandora Radio Station of “Hard Rock” appeared on the screen, playing [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YkIAzfRT_w]Ignite the Airwaves by Eyeshine[/url]. It was one of her favorite songs as well as the wonder twins, too. It wasn’t long before they were on the wide, open road singing the song as loud as they could - and badly at that. [center][sub]Are you torn apart? (can you feel it?) Forget your cause? (Have you had it?) A broken heart (and you know it!) You’re running out of options.[/sub][/center] They sang that song over and over again as there were repeated requests to replay the song. Ava surely didn’t mind, so she kept on backtracking to it. This continued until the Mossos girl had arrived at the Taylor residence. It was about twenty miles away from Ava’s home. It wasn’t in a neighborhood that slightly resembled her gated community; granted it wasn’t anywhere close to poor. It could still be considered high middle-class. In any case, Ava bid her odd friends goodbye, and waited until they got inside until she sped off. Ava made sure to take the shortcut she knew from the street she was on. It wasn’t going to be long. Only twenty minutes at most, and she was finally home. After the long day that Ava Brie Mossos had, home sounded pretty good right now. Thankfully, she hadn’t hit a green light yet. It would really increase her annoyed mood if she had to stop speeding; not that she was speeding. She was obviously going 3-5 miles above the speed limit; frowned upon, sure - but not necessarily speeding ticket-worthy. She made sure to be on the look out for cops, anyways. There was no way that she would let the pigs stop her from lounging on the couch all day(obviously ignoring her heaps amounts of homework). Eventually Ava found her way into the gated community she lived in. Most of the houses were mansions, each easily with families that had large quantities of money that one would think that they lived in Bel Air or something place like it - well, they [I]did[/I] live in Beverly Hills, after all. No one in that part of Los Angeles was poor. IF they were, how would they explain their cars? Ava really couldn’t think of a reason why poor families would be living in Beverly Hills - especially the area of it that she lived in. It was quite the preposterous question to even think about. Whatever. Ava had made it home. Just as she pulled into the driveway, she noticed Alexandros’ Ferrari. She looked to the time, and saw it was barely four in the afternoon. [color=40e0d0]“Okay something’s definitely wrong with this scenario.”[/color] Ava couldn’t place it. Alex never showed was home before six, so why was he home now? Ava would get to the bottom of this. Turning off her car, Ava grabbed her purse and backpack from he passenger seat, and turned her alarm on. Putting her keys into her purse, Ava opened the door. She wasn’t going to waste any time at all. [color=40e0d0]“Aleeeexxxx!”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“In the kitchen!”[/color] Ava made a b-line for the kitchen. When she got there, she saw Alexandros sitting at the kitchen table smiling at her as he waved a sandwich in his hand. “why are you even home?” she asked. Ava raised an eyebrow, and she saw someone sitting next to him. Their head was turned away from Ava’s face, so she couldn’t tell who she was, but her hair was red. [color=40e0d0]“Oh god Alex, you brought home [I]another one[/I]. Does this one at least know how to clean up her mess.” [/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Uh, Ava..”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“I mean, of all places, you let her sit in my favorite seat. Have you no respect for me, Alex?”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Ava..”[/color] [color=40e0d0]“And I see she’s eating the sandwich I claimed last night. Fucking great, Alex. You sure know how to pick them!”[/color] Ava did not realize what Alexandros was trying to do. She thought he was trying to defend himself, but when he saw the person that Alexandros brought home, Ava was speechless. Her mouth figuratively dropped to the floor. [color=40e0d0][b]“OH MY GOD, JOSIE!!!!!”[/b][/color] Ava screamed. Of course she screamed. It was Josie, her best friend in the entire world. It was the same Josie that she befriended back in Jersey all of those years ago. [color=40e0d0]“You fucking dumbass! Why didn’t you tell me it was Josie?” [/color]Ava punched Alexandros’ arm. Hard. [color=dodgerblue]“I tried to, but you were being difficult to reach.”[/color] Alexandros shrugged, squinting lightly at the pain in his left arm. Ava scoffed but said nothing. She looked to Josie. No doubt the girl was probably feeling all kinds of mixed emotions, but she looked as cute as she always did. Josie always had that certain charm about her. As happy as she was to see Josie, why was she here specifically? No, that didn’t matter. She was here, and there was much to talk about. [color=40e0d0]“Josie, come with me to my room! We need to catch up, girl!”[/color] Ava practically dragged the poor girl away from her sandwich - and more importantly - Alexandros. [color=dodgerblue]“Bye I guess.” [/color]