[color=ec008c][b][Usanagi][/b][/color] She crouched down and placed her hand on William's shoulder. [color=ec008c]"Everything I do, everything that Section 8 does is for the survival of the human race. We learned these creatures aren't just stopping at humans like you and me, but on androids and synthetics. They want to destroy all of mankind and it's creations. Most of my body has been completely cyberized. Except for parts of my brain as well as my internal organs. A few artificial ones were added but I am still human. I still care about humanity."[/color] She said and then looked to his team. [color=ec008c]"Oh and the law you fight for did not betray you. The USD,... Section 8. We thought we could fight back the tide that is coming. If we do not put stubborn differences aside and join together to fight this menace... we will all die. Every death here will be in vain. As of now the human race is fighting for it's survival. The war will break out onto the streets of Mars like it already is but in much larger scales... Section 8 is understaffed for this and for the time being the USD is losing and right now Mars is the only obstacle in these creatures path."[/color] She sighed and closed her eyes and then looked to the opposite stairs going down. She knew more of the creatures were making up for them. With that she stood up and then looked to the group. [color=ec008c]"Also your no longer property to the MCPD. You belong to Section 8, whether you like it or not. Section 8 protocol dictates I take you in whether you like it or not. You will be taken to our facilities. You will be taken care of and debriefed. You will remain there for as long as it remains safe. How you decide to spend your time under Section 8 is dependent on you. Fight or don't. Either way we will all die when the time comes."[/color] She said. With that she looked to the other members of the division and then to the stairs leading to the roof. [i][color=ec008c]'Leon, provide us cover to the roof. We aint got much time. I am ordering for a emergency evacuation. One of the gun ships will aid you in providing fire upon the enemy while the other lands on the roof. We will evacuate and then come pick you up.'[/color][/i] Her next actions consisted of her pushing forward to the those stairs that made their way upwards. She was done talking and trying to explain to these people that she wasn't the enemy. Section 8 never was the enemy. The enemy was the things trying to kill us. If they didn't want to listen then so be it. They can die with their friends if they want or rot at the headquarters. Not even the Section 8 headquarters will be safe for long. When this war comes... no place will be. Then it happened.... A cleaver punched it's way through the floor and pulled with it a chunk of the floor causing her to fall with it. When she landed she landed with a thud her gun falling to the floor and sliding away from her. She turned over quickly to see the drooling monster hovering over her. It's weapon aimed at her and it's cleaver like appendages moving in place to strike. It hissed at her and then screeched as it swung. She moved her legs in time to dodge the first hit but then the second came down right above the wrist of her right hand. It may have been completely machine but the nerves where still there and she screamed. She reached to her side with her only hand left and grabbed her pistol and then moved it to shit at the creature through it's weak points. It exchanged it's on displeasure of the act with a scream of it's own. She took the time to flip back up on her feet and move to her weapon. She holstered her pistol quickly and picked up her P90 and aimed and fired shooting down the monster with continued fire. Once it was dead she looked to where her other hand was and then the stump that was sparking and did ooze out some kind of fluid. She looked back up to the hole and positioned her self so she could make the jump. Sure enough she was able to make it back to their floor. She then bolted for the stairs. She knew after that event there the others were surely doing the same. [color=ec008c]"You people get moving!.. I will cover you from here. I won't be able to hold them for long."[/color] She hollered as blasts from the alien weapons started to pelt the walls around her. She exchanged fire with them. The creatures were beginning to learn from this as well and used their own cover. [Meanwhile elsewhere [@Catchphrase]] Alexander maybe surprised to know that he wasn't the only one who had it's eyes on the current population of the establishment. Only the things didn't have no intentions of getting money out of it or anything. The death of all humans.... and their creations. That was the goal of the hive. [i]"Humans go inside building, not come out... shall we pursue?"[/i] One asked the other as they watched. [i]"Proceed as planned. We kill them all... not just the hostile ones and their weaponry but the others as well. The only good human is a dead one."[/i] The other responded. The moved into position. The streets were quiet. Everything was ready... They raised their rifles and picked their targets and then they opened fire. Plasma particles ripped through the walls like paper towards chosen targets. [Also Elsewhere[@knighthawk]] The next attack was going to occur in a much more residential area. The fight will come upon all fronts. Soon the humans won't be able to hide it any longer and all will fight them. It was rather exciting for the hive. A race worth fighting for once. Something to challenge it. It was a solitude hunter though. It had no gun. Just two rather large pummels and two sets of smaller arms. It looked at the house and the one more target going through the door. It would have grinned if that was even possible. The human intended for it's prey had a large prosthetic though or some kind of powerful arm. Was it capable as its... we will see. It moved towards the home and in the process lifted a car from its parking spot and then threw it towards the home. It's intended target was no one at the moment. Just making a crashing entrance.