[hr][hr][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lakshya%20Khanna&name=DJ5CTRIAL.ttf&size=75&style_color=59A84F[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/43488567/large.gif[/img] [u]Time[/u]: End of lunch → 3:20PM [u]Location[/u]: Beverly Hills High → Hotel [u]Interacting With[/u]: Dominique [@HushedWhispers] [/center][hr] Luck seemed to be shining down on him, just as the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, Dominique opened up her locker to pull out a torn sheet of paper to jot down some of her details. [b][color=a2d39c]"It'll be my treat,"[/color][/b] Lucky nodded at her, carefully pocketing the sheet in his jeans, making a mental note to save her number later before he loses the sheet. Dominique gave the guy in the middle of this - Jackson - a hug and a suspicious pat on his shoulder - probably telling him something before stepping away from him. Stepping back, he watched as Audrey left with her boyfriend, along with Anna a few moments later after giving the Queen a hug and a soft, comforting smile before also disappearing down the halls, Dominique leaving a second later. Shouldering his bag higher up, Lucky disappeared down the halls towards his own classroom. The hours crawled by, Lucky taking notes with one hand and boredly flicking through his Instagram with his other. His feed was filled with pictures and videos of his older sister, Swara, in her first live performance. He was filled with both pride and envy. Pride because she was his sister, and he knew how much Swara wanted to be a vocalist since the very beginning. Envy because... well, she was his sister, he wasn't allowed to continue on with his dreams yet Swara was, even before she'd finished her finals she was already a back-up vocalist for many famous Bollywood singers. It was childish, he knew that. Swara had spent her entire life with her nose in a book and her heart in songs, so she [i]deserved[/i] all the success in the world. But why not him? Chemistry or Maths didn't interest him like this. He wanted to be famous too, fuck he already was if you think about it - and not because of his family name. Yet despite all that, he couldn't do what his sister did and act [i]while[/i] finishing off his education. The end of the school day couldn't come quickly enough. Lucky was already sick and tired of the boring halls and would pay all the money in the world to just lie in bed and sleep. Boring was probably not the best word to use, with all the drama that he was [s]forced to[/s] witness while by Dominique and her little clan. He checked his phone, noting down the time before pulling out the crumpled piece of paper that Dominique had passed to him before leaving. [color=a2d39c][i][b]'Well, I don't think I can walk it [b]that[/b] far.'[/b][/i][/color] It took a while, but eventually the actor was able to call a cab and get to the hotel by 3:20. He'd already texted his aunt with a warning that he was going to be late [i]'socialising'[/i] (yes, he used that term exactly - he knew that that would be enough for his aunt to not disturb him during the afternoon.) Lucky paid the cabbie before stepping out of the taxi, looking down at his phone before back up at the hotel. [b][color=a2d39c][i]'Did I miss something? Why is she calling me to her[/i] hotel[i] room?'[/i][/color][/b] Deciding not to continue down that train of thought any longer, Lucky pressed on Dominique's name, typing quickly as he walked into the hotel lobby. [centre][color=26afff][b]Dominique Saunders[/b][/color] [b]I'm in the lobby, do you want me to meet you upstairs or...?[/b][/centre] It was best not to presume anything. Lucky had a brief plan in mind for the afternoon. A movie and maybe even dinner would be enough to get Dominique's mind off things, right? [hr][hr] [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC42ZjYwZDcuUjJWdmNtZHBibUVnUkhWeWFHRnQuMQAA/janda-cheerful-script.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://s11.favim.com/orig/160308/badlands-colors-drive-etc-Favim.com-4061836.gif[/img] [u]Time[/u]: End of lunch → 3:20PM [u]Location[/u]: Beverly Hills High → BHHS carpark [u]Interacting With[/u]: David "Sk8r Boi" Powers [@Universorum] [/centre][hr] It was literally the first day of school and there was [i]already[/i] drama. Friendships were broken, relationships were broken and probably some noses too. And Geo was not a part of any of it. How does she know, you ask? Well, sitting behind the school's Gossip Crew was enough for Georgina to keep track of all the drama, despite not being very interested in any of it. It's ironic, really. The more uninterested you are, the more likely it is that you'll hear the drama or be a part of it. It's something that Geo had witnessed first hand, today's case being a perfect example. It was when the loudest of the gossip crew (Eva? Ava? Mossos Jr is easiest to remember) began talking shit about the Queen that Geo tuned out. What was even the point of having a Queen? Were bragging rights [i]that[/i] important to people? Since there was a substitute teacher, no one really gave a crap about listening to the video he'd put up to pass the time pretending he was teaching to anyone looking into the classroom from the outside. Geo pulled out her phone, her chin resting on her palm as she pressed a name in her contacts. It felt like a while since they'd last talked; she hadn't even seen him since last week before the bubbly blonde had dragged him away to some party being hosted at the beach. [centre][color=228b22][b]Sk8r Boi[/b][/color] [b]Where were u at lunch? Tried looking for u but couldnt find u[/b][/centre] Pressing send, Geo then tucked her phone back into her pocket, turning to stare out the window in boredom. She picked up a pen, turning to the back of her notebook and began writing out a few lines - trying to be productive and write her own lyrics, despite hating and scrapping them in the end. [i][centre][sup]I was sick and tired of everything, When I called you last night from home. All I do is tidy and answer the phone and sing, Wishing that my prince will come. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme some loving! Won't somebody help me learn to fly! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme some loving! I really want to learn to fly![/sup][/centre][/i] Geo looked at the lyrics she'd written out, a frown forming on her face as she grimaced at the words staring back at her. Too cheesy, too... Taylor Swift-y. Not something Geo wanted but these days her lyrics always came out like this. She tore out the sheet from the notebook and scrunched it up into a tiny ball before shoving it into her pocket just in time for the day to end. She pulled out her phone again, passing by the preppy, panda eyed blonde to reach her car, leaning against the door as she sent off another text. [centre][color=228b22][b]Sk8r Boi[/b][/color] [b]I got to work today, bring Sprinkles if u want[/b][/centre] [hr][hr] [centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Analise%20Arnette&name=DawningofaNewDay.ttf&size=100&style_color=0076a3[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/aa50f1063d8c6d0aa9d1d76908ee8553/tumblr_inline_o5rishhaQB1sp2q5t_500.gif[/img] [u]Time[/u]: End of lunch → 3:20PM [u]Location[/u]: Beverly Hills High [u]Interacting With[/u]: Dominique [@HushedWhispers] & Jackson [@Wintergrey][/centre][hr] [color=26afff][b]"Honestly, Audrey, I am not sure why you're acting like this when you sleep with like everyone!"[/b][/color] Analise winced as she heard those words leave Dominique's lips. It was known that Audrey liked the horizontal tango but at least she was much better than many of the other girls in school. Audrey had self-respect at least. Anna was glad that Audrey was already walking away by then, but she knew that her best friend was still mad. Probably even madder than before. Anna felt a pang in her chest, guilt eating her alive as her mind raced again. [b][color=0076a3][i]'Did I make things worse by getting with Jackson...? Surely Audrey will understand...'[/i][/color][/b] Chewing at her lower lip, she missed Dominique hugging Jackson and patting his shoulder after whispering something in his ear. Before Dominique could leave, however, Anna blinked and pulled Dominique into a hug as well. [b][color=0076a3]"Things will get better, Domi."[/color][/b] The girl said as she slowly pulled away from the hug, giving the Queen a soft smile. [b][color=0076a3]"If you need anything, my door is always open for you."[/color][/b] And it was the truth. Anna was willing to help Dominique through her problems - no matter how long it took. It was only fair, right? ...Right. [b][color=0076a3]"I'm sorry for bringing you into this,"[/color][/b] Anna apologised to Jackson once Dominique left. [b][color=0076a3]"I'll make up for this, I still owe you for your shirt, right?"[/color][/b] Anna poked at Jackson, a playful smile slowly making its way onto her face without her even realising. Anna walked with Jackson to their next class, the two only separating for their lessons for the day but the fluttering in Anna's chest never left, as well as the blush on her face. She still looked like a mess with her smudged eye make-up and red-rimmed eyes, but really, she just lost one of her best friends - a girl was allowed to look like a mess for that one day. The day eventually drew to a close, and Anna left the classroom to reach her car parked at the back. She missed Winston, and was hoping to spend the rest of her day cuddling her dog and texting her boyfriend when a vehicle stopped in front of her, stopping her from reaching her car. [hr][hr]