“Who really knows?” Cameron said with a smirk as she entered the room Justin was resting in and settling in a free cot adjacent to his. “Talking to yourself may be a bad sign though.” She assumed that the shift he took, based on the horrors she heard from the survivors, took a toll on him both emotionally and physically. The past few weeks had probably taken years off each of their lives due to just stress alone; the thought caused Cameron’s fingers to trace the bandage that was wrapped around her waist. “I’m sorry I volunteered ourselves. I should’ve checked with you.” She unraveled her hair from the knot on her head and scratched at her scalp before continuing. “I think I've just been in this adrenaline-fueled save-the-world mode since all this shit started.” Each foot worked the booth off the other, and once they were free, her legs swung up onto the cot, and Cameron rolled on her stomach to face him. “If you wanna figure out another arrangement, I’m all ears.” She felt bad to offer such a sentiment while knowing there was really no other choice for the two, but the need to say it had tugged at her. Of all the people she had ever known, Justin deserved to go through what they had the least. He was selfless and generous, unlike Cameron or those she was raised by. She always was taught to fend for herself and [i]only[/i] herself, not to put others first or to risk her own safety for someone else’s. While it was all foreign to her, Justin’s characteristics were much appreciated, especially in such a hostile time. Cameron smile faintly out of sleepiness and turned to her side, pulling the thin blanket she was provided up over her shoulders, more out of a feeling of security rather than a need to be warm. She wanted to enjoy the last peaceful night they would have for an indefinite amount of time, maybe the last peaceful night if they kept getting attacked like this. Death can only be escaped so many times. “I think we’ll be fine,” she spoke quietly, more to reassure herself than anything. "We'll just have to be a bit better at laying low as we move. I don't wanna end up in an underground prison again."