[hider=Lorelei Pilot][center][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/j74woo.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [color=d69fa6]Name[/color] [i]Lorelei Pilot[/i] [color=d69fa6]Birthday[/color] [i]June 8th, 1990[/i] [color=d69fa6]Age[/color] [i]25[/i] [color=d69fa6]Appearance[/color] [i]Lorelei is 5ft 3, and ranges between 110lb to 115lbs depending on the season. She is trying to get into her summer body, but usually would prefer eating a good meal. She has grey eyes and straight black hair. She has fair skin, and is prone to get sun burnt often. Her right ear is her only ear pierced. The reason behind this is that she tried to do it herself in her bathroom and couldn't stand to do the second one.[/i] [color=d69fa6]Position[/color] [i]Being the new girl in town, Lo hasn't found her place quite yet. She found cheap residence at the Millcreek Hollow apartment complex in Room 3B. Though it wasn't the most ideal location she could find, it would have to do until she can move up in the world.[/i] [color=d69fa6]School[/color] [i]Graduated high school outside of Millington in 2008, and hasn't attended anything after that. She would like to go to college once she has some money stored away, but it hasn't been a priority in her life. She would most likely go into something to do something practical like office support or business major if she we're to ever go.[/i] [color=d69fa6]Occupation[/color] [i]Concession stand worker at The Roxy.[/i] [color=d69fa6]Personality[/color] [i]Lorelei is a gentle soul who likes to take each day one at a time. She doesn't like other people to fuss over her and claims to be a pretty independent person when it comes down to it. She has a homebody spirit but never really wants to be home. Netflix and Chill is the automatic phrase to win her over. Lo has a tendency to overthink things to the point of bringing herself to tears, she's sensitive and often needs days at a time to gather her cheerful demeanor back. A good friend when she is focused on the present, a mess when she begans thinking about the past or the future. Needs reassurance often in most if not all situations.[/i] [color=d69fa6]Short Biography[/color] [i]Born to Logan and Denise Pilot in a small town a few hours out of Millington, Lorelei was a well rounded young girl, youngest of two- her older brother (5 years difference) Levi her knight in shining armor when it came to all monsters under the bed, and scary noises that came from the closet at night. The family was your typical middle class family, not having any tragic events happening besides the burnt Thanksgiving dinner one year, the family could consider themselves pretty blessed. It was her senior year of high school that Nathan came into her life. What started from flirting between classes and making out during prom turned into promises of marriage and their first apartment together. The two of them we're intertwined, confident that their relationship would withstand time. It was around the time Nathan went to college where the problems began piling on top of one another. It was your typical middle class story, the love of life gets friendly some of the girls in his chemistry class and before you know it he's fucking her brains out on the bed you bought and assembled from IKEA together. Your typical middle class story. Fleeing back home to her mom and dad, she was greeted with compassionate open arms. Levi was off with his new wife and a few kids already, sending post cards from various vacations they were taking. Though being home with her parents did have it's benefits of free rent and free food, the freedom she once had when she lived out in the world without them was something she yearned for again. Looking up a few locations she found a not so terrible apartment in a place called Millington. Asking her parents for the first few months rent, she packed up all her belongings and headed to her new home.[/i][/hider]