[center][h3]Khan Elesia[/h3][/center] Elesia grinned at Raze's behavior, he didn't strike at her back when she had turned it, that was good. At least he was smart, even if that arrogance was going to get them both killed. It was going to take a lot of work to get this kid to be a good champion, but they were off to a decent start. Elesia wanted to be the kind of Khan that Vraig had been to her when she had been championed to him. The kind that was harsh and strict, that helped you see your weak points, but all in all made you a much better person. At one point Elesia herself had crossed that line between confidence and arrogance, but only for a short time. Vraig had been very sure to put her in her place quickly. Something that she hadn't liked at the time, but was very grateful for now. The Khan turned back around and pat Raze on the head. "Good boy. You're learning quickly. Just remember kid, confidence, believing in your skills, is a good thing. But this arrogance crap? That's how people get killed. There's a fine line between the two, and you have beyond crossed it. The trick is to stay on that line at all times. If you can pull back to that line and realize what you're actually capable of, you'll suddenly find yourself a much better fighter." Elesia motioned for Raze to start walking, they had a long way to go, but this conversation was still important. So, Elesia did both at the same time. She just hoped they didn't run into any sort of battle before she had beaten the arrogance out of him. She didn't want to have to watch both of their backs when she should just have to worry about her own. "The way you can tell that you're at that line is easy, you can name some of your weaknesses, while still trusting in your skills. When your weaknesses don't scare you, but you can actually name some. For example, one of my weaknesses is initiating combat. I'm a much better fighter if I let my opponent make the first move and see what they can do first. There's a reason nobody attacks me while my back is turned. That doesn't mean I can't initiate combat, or that I will automatically lose a fight if I have to attack first. But, you shouldn't worry about my weaknesses, you should be worrying about your own. Now it's your turn, see if you can name one of your weaknesses, and arrogance doesn't count because I've already told you about that one." She explained, using several waving hand gestures as she spoke. Elesia's eyes flickered briefly over to their surroundings, where a lone figure was hiding. Of course she had noticed him, despite the fact that he was very well hidden. She was a Khan, and a woman, she knew when there were eyes on her. But, she didn't say anything, for two reasons. The first was that the hidden figure hadn't posed a threat yet, and she didn't attack everybody who watched her out of curiosity. The second was because it was yet another test for her champion. She wanted to see how Raze reacted to the hidden figure, or if he would even notice at all. But still, she let the figure know that she saw him. The Khan placed her hands behind her back, so that Raze couldn't see them, and casually waved towards the figure.