Well~ Hello there~ Allow me to throw in my two cents here. I do love Pokemon RP's, and am always up for one~ [quote=@Whimsley] - How will move learning be integrated? [/quote] Do you mean TMs/HMs? If so, may I ask [i]why[/i] HMs even need to be a thing? Why does a water pokemon need to learn 'surf' to be able to ferry a person across water? Why would a machoke need to learn 'strength' to shove a boulder aside? HM's in general are just ridiculous in concept in an RP setting, I believe. TMs, of course, would work by learning them by buying them from stores or getting a gym leader to teach the pokemon. [quote=@Whimsley] - How are wild Pokémon encounters established? [/quote] Well, I think it'd be easy enough to come up with a list of catchable pokemon for a route. Give the RP'ers a list, and let them encounter one they would want to catch if it was reasonble. Say, there are going to be pidgeys on route one, and there's a lot of them. Obviously, they don't really need to search to hard to find one. [quote=@Whimsley] - Should there be a set system in place for leveling, evolving, travel, food, and/or other elements within the Pokémon universe? [/quote] I would personally hesitate to throw any sort of system involving actual levels and food/other elements and such. Levels, are obviously a thing and we'd need some way to keep track of them, but I wouldn't say the quality/quantity of posts should have a standing on that. Not really sure what a good system for this would be, though in the past I have GM'ed a pokemon RP. I left the levels pretty much up to the players as long as they didn't get carried away with it. Maybe 1 level for a victory, and 50% exp for a loss depending on the level difference between the pokemon. Obviously, the higher level the opponent is the more EXP a pokemon would gain from either a loss or a victory. And in general 'Level' is just the skill level of the pokemon. Basically, how much damage it can take, how hard it can hit and how fast it can move. I would say the actual numerical stats of the pokemon are more or less just guidelines. [quote=@Whimsley] - How likely is it to encounter a legendary Pokémon? How much involvement should they have? [/quote] I would say unless the legendaries are really plot relevant, I would say zero involvement. [quote=@Whimsley] - Should posts be kept to low, mid, or high casual standards?[/quote] High casual looks like it'd work well for this. [quote=@Whimsley] - How much group interaction are people wanting to experience? Solitary travel, intermittent interactions with other solo travelers, or all group travel? [/quote] I think a small group of trainers traveling together would work best. Otherwise, things could just get messy and difficult to keep up with. [quote=@Whimsley] - How involved should the Elite Four and the Pokémon League Champion be in the world? [/quote] Well, that would depend on how you want to do the E4? I'd say our trainers should have little interaction with them aside from a few possible meetings, either for plot reasons or just sort of a side thing. [quote=@Whimsley] - How realistic should this RP be? [/quote] I'd say go for some fairly decent realism in my opinion. [quote=@Whimsley] - How closely should we adhere to the games? Will there be turn-based combat, can Pokémon only learn four moves, do you have to require badges to travel on to future areas, etc. [/quote] Turn based combat? In a realistic scenario? Perhaps in more official matches it could be a thing, but I doubt most opponents are gonna just wait around while you think of a good strategy to use against your opponent. As for four moves, why are pokemon only able to learn four to begin with? I'd say as long as they are of an appropriate level, they can use any move from their moveset, with the 'four' moves being sort of the ones they use most often, or rather their signature moves. It'd be the moves your pokemon uses most often, but would also allow for some creativity and some fairly decent strategies if your trainer was competent enough. I would say no to the badge travel thing. [quote=@Whimsley] - A huge question: do Pokémon faint, or do they die? [/quote] Dying should be a thing only if the pokemon push themselves much too far, or get blasted with an attack from something that is obviously gonna wreck them. So the proposed system works well for me. [quote=@Whimsley] Hm, I like that fainting rule. It's like a hybrid. We'll go with that. Also: no HMs if your Pokémon has fainted, I always thought that was ridiculous. For (most) out-of-gym battles, I was thinking we could just freeform it and do action and reaction sort of thing, like how most combat works on this site. But for gym battles and higher level trainer battles, I almost want a sense of danger to it. Facing the gym is a terrible and exciting challenge that can lead to epic victory or horrible defeat. For that, maybe the new roll system should be implemented. I believe with the standard action and reaction system, I would have to make the decision on my own of who loses and who wins gym battles, and that seems biased and unfair at that caliber of match. I'd love your thoughts and input on this, as I'm struggling with the idea myself. By the way, is there a preference for group travel or solo travel? Either is fine with me. [/quote] I personally, would like to avoid dice rolls of any sort. I honestly will nope out of here so hard, since dice rolls kill the excitement and danger of a fight to me, since it takes out any sort of strategy involved I think. That said, if you want to avoid deciding yourself...let the RPers take control of a gym leader and gym related things and such if they wish. You could be the official referee in a fight if something gets out of control, but your the GM...you're supposed to do that. You'd remain totally unbiased, since you're not playing the gym leader or the challenger. The problem with that though, as the persons trainer charcater who's challenging the gym will essentially be fighting themselves. Dunno what to do with that, though, except for maybe have someone else assume control of the gym leader perhaps. [quote=@Lasrever] I think I'd prefer to start off solo or in small groups/pairs and have characters meet up through the RP. Honestly, I'm cool with whatever everyone else decides. I'm not sure what to do with the battle system for gyms etc. I'd like for it to allow some sort of creativity and strategy if possible, since I don't like the idea of gym battles consisting of just hitting each other until one side falls down. If using rolls would allow for that, then I'm happy to go with it. [/quote] Yep, I'm all for creative strategies trumping just spamming Close Combat or Hyper Beam until you win. I don't think rolls would allow that myself, but eh...