[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LjtbWOS.png?1[/img][/center] Under normal circumstances, would adore the prospect of a power cut. It gave him a real reason to step away from the television. A reason to head to that rickety old IKEA bookshelf in the corner and tear straight into a new world of adventure, romance, and excitement. He loved this time; curled up on the couch surrounded by an array of dimly lit candles, reading peacefully, his roommate fidgeting nervously on the armchair in front of him as she worried about how to get her mobile data working. It had been a simpler time. Things were different now however. While Amir loved having time alone with just his thoughts and a good book, he knew that wouldn’t ever be an option again. Because now it wasn’t just him alone with his thoughts and a good book. Now it was him, a good book, and the Dark Lord Cthulhu chatting away in his head. Well chatting away probably wasn’t the best way to describe it. All he was doing was whispering. Whispering about Amir’s potential in the world. However the “potential” he spoke of wasn’t something that Amir was all too happy with. The whisperings often grew worse when Amir was alone, hence why reading wasn’t really much of an option anymore. He had to do something to take his mind away from the creepy little parasite. Jogging was his solution; an activity that seemed to be beneficial in more ways than just blocking his voice out. It was soothing and relaxing for Amir, which was good considering it had become a daily routine of his. Now that the city was facing a mass power outage however, Amir had been jogging quite a lot more than his usual daily amount. He wasn’t stupid though. As Brooke had screeched to him worriedly before he had left the apartment, the streets probably weren’t the safest places to be at this kind of night, especially with the lack of lighting around. And especially for someone of his ethnicity. She was right of course. The news had been showing images and clips of looters from the previous night, all day. It was easy to assume that they’d continue. Regardless Amir had to get out of that apartment. He had been going stir crazy, with him even beginning to follow the same erratic behaviour of Brooke. It wasn’t until the voice began speaking in his head one more that he had become adamant to leave. No way was he letting that thing grind his gears. The soft menacing voice of Cthulhu was quickly drowned out by the sound of the city’s nightlife as soon as he stepped outside, refreshing Amir slightly. Still weary of Brooke’s previous warnings however, Amir decided not to take his run into the centre of The Sound and the Lower East Side like he had originally planned, instead turning up a side street, towards the looming peak of Mount Nysa that was just noticeable between the rooftops. If there was one place he could run peacefully without fear of looters and muggers, it was the Olympus District. What harm could he come to there?