[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/cynbel.png[/img][/center] The Faerie-Orc-Human trio had developed a bit of a camaraderie during their time near the fighting pits. The ale was flowing and the laughs were aplenty. Garax was urging Cynbel to challenge him in the pits when Sulleykaar’s message came through. Cynbel looked over his shoulder when he heard the dragon’s voice. Sulleykaar was nowhere to be seen, though. Surely they had not had [i]that[/i] much to drink yet. Garax laughed joyfully when he looked over at Cynbel. A puzzled look etched onto the Orc’s face. [color=green]”What’s the matter? Seen some beautiful creature in need of the General’s attention?”[/color] Felix, who at this point was tanked, whipped his head over to the two other commanders. [color=gold]“Wutsh the mAtar! ARE WE BEING ATTA-”[/color] Before he finished his slurred exclamation, a spew of dwarven ale had made its way back up his esophagus and onto the bleachers below, gaining a few laughs, gasps and screams in the process. [color=lightgray]”No, no. I think your dragon is trying to talk to me. It’s like he was right behind me, but he’s not there.”[/color] Cynbel looked over his shoulder again just to be sure. [color=lightgray]”Or maybe after a thousand years, I’ve finally lost my sanity.”[/color] the faerie chuckled warmly, obviously much more comfortable now than he was earlier. [center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Queen%20Morriacutegan.png[/img][/center] The Queen was writing out a scroll to send by raven to her to one of her spies posted in the Seelie Court when Sulleykaar’s message came. She set the feather quill down and looked around briefly. She had heard plenty of tales about his magick use, so such a feat did not surprise her. After finishing the letter, Morrígan headed back downstairs to ensure that the meeting room was prepared for an impromptu gathering. What on earth could the dragon possibly want now, he’d spent half a day in their midst and he was already attempting to alter the deal? This displeased her. When Cynbel did not show up promptly, Morrígan sent a guard to retrieve him, as he was probably quite busy acclimating the new soldiers in the training area. [center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img][/center] Sulleykaar’s silence was different than before. It was eerie, more so compared to the crazy freefall event that happened earlier. Everyone was in there except for Sulley and Kiara. He looked at her with soft and yet worried eyes as he watched Kyla and two other Unseelie approach from behind Kiara, Kyla with bow in hand notched with two arrows. [color=9e0b0f]”What I am about to do is going to be the biggest gambit of my three thousand year life but I need you to trust me. Can you do this for me….please?”[/color] He stared into her eyes intensly, waiting for at least a nod. He looked up to Kyla, uneasiness in his eyes. [color=9e0b0f]”You know what to do…Kiara say nothing and let me do what i have to do. I promise on my word of honor that I will explain everything to you.”[/color] [color=gray]”Hlyaer ae bréwyn.”[/color] Kiara said in Fae’len under her breath as she suspiciously looked up at him through her lashes… [i]honor is a lie[/i]. Sulleykaar looked up to Kyla with a nod as she stepped behind him, putting Kiara on Kyla’s right side, away from the door. His hands once again gaining that ethereal flame as it spun, churned and condensed into a small maelstrom of energy in both hands. Carefully he placed his hands on the doors as the ball flattened into two discs. [color=9e0b0f]”Fuuuuuuuuuuuus. ROH!”[/color] Time seemed to slow to a crawl. A cracked and splintered indentation made its appearance on the centre of the doors before the force outward yanked them off their hinges and over the heads of those gathered. Kyla spun around the corner and let her two notched arrows fly straight and true. The advisor closest to Morrígan hand been hit in the jugular and begun to gasp for clean air as his lungs filled with blood. The second hit the middle advisor in the temple. Kiara let out a cry that was akin to the sound of a heart breaking. [color=gray]“HYUMAE!”[/color] she called the woman’s name, but the arrow protruding from her temple would not allow her to ever speak again. Kiara’s irises turned the darkest color of sapphire as the death of the closest thing she’d had to a mother sank in. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. [color=gray]“Hyumae…”[/color] she echoed again, much more pathetically this time. This was her mentor, her guide as she grew up under the negligence of a war chief father. Why? Why did Sulleykaar want to do this to her? But it wasn’t him… Kiara turned her gaze from Hyumae’s corpse to the Unseelie faerie standing beside her. Her eyes went black and her sobs turned into a battlecry. Kiara grasped the faerie’s bow and crushed the wood into splinters in her stoney fingers. Her fist hardened into obsidian-like material before she wound up to strike Kyla clear across the jaw. The force would be enough to break most creature’s necks, but she didn’t stop there. After Kyla’s arrows had made their mark it her attention was quickly brought to the battle cry that escaped Kiara’s throat. Her eyes widened as her face kissed the metallic fist of Kiara’s, shortly followed by the back of her head bouncing off the wall. Her onslaught was relentless. Another blow to the ribs and then to the shoulder on the opposing side of the previous strike with tremendous power. The titanic force behind Kiara’s punches pinned the faerie against the wall. Sulleykaar’s warning was the farthest thing from Kiara’s mind as she poised her sharpened fingers over Kyla’s chest, [color=gray]”I’ll have your heart, traitor bitch!”[/color] she growled in the faerie tongue. Kyla’s eyes were wide as she struggled against her captor, her glamour failing on her every so often. “Kiara! You have to trust us! There is good reason! Please hear me!” Kiara raised her hand to the faerie’s throat instead. She didn’t squeeze with the intent to kill, but the intent to torture, letting only enough air pass to keep Kyla from passing out. [color=gray]”No. You will speak no more.”[/color] Simultaneously, Sulleykaar had aimed a second mighty thrust of air into the two closest to him, the back of their heads exploding as they hit the rocky wall. Cynbel had swiftly made his way to Sulleykaar with inhuman speed. Cold iron now pressed against the dragon’s scaly neck. Sulleykaar looked into the eyes of Cynbel as Cynbel’s bore into his. There was nothing but bloodlust in the war chief’s gaze. Queen Morrígan stood up from her chair and the whole scene seemed to go in slow motion. She held up a hand to Cynbel to stay his blade and stepped forward. The fabric of her dress dragging along the cobblestone floor was like a pin dropping in ethereal silence. She stood before the dragon now, a sneer of disdain on her lips as her once beautiful form turned rotten. The flesh on the right side of her face was sloughed away and her nose and mouth morphed into a beak-like appendage. The iris and sclera of her eyes were the color of onyx beads. Black feathers sprouted from her left cheek and down her neck, creeping their way into the neckline of her dress. In a word, she was terrifying, embodying the monstrous nature of the Unseelie. To look at her was to look into the face of torment and death. If a simple talking out of line was enough to warrant the removal of a tongue, what then was Sulleykaar’s fate? Cold, corpselike fingers settled on his shoulders, one hand on either side. Morrígan looked up at him with an eerie smile and tilted her head to the side at an unnatural angle. The smile turned into a flat line, and then a snarl as she plunged her hands down into his body, light protruding from his from where her hands dug him.. The sensation was chilling to the core, like being grasped by the reaper himself. [color=black]”You have only a few, precioussss,"[/color] her serpentine hiss echoed against the walls, [color=black]"words left before I send your soul to Nåm'hní. I suggest you choose them carefully, Mrywn."[/color] Her beady crow's eyes burrowed into the soul she spoke of, intent on tearing it free of its corporeal frame. Sulleykaar, who had for thousands of years seen many [i]terrifing[/i] things that should have scared him, hadn’t felt fear like this since first meeting Ugin. However, his eyes were only slightly widened as to not fully let that feeling out but needless to say the Faerie queen could smell, no, feel it inside him. He stowed as much as he could to the side as he looked at her with a mix of determination and fear. [color=9e0b0f]”Queen Morrígan, take a second look at those who were considered [i]advisors[/i]. You will see something much different.”[/color] He glanced over at the bodies which now were no longer those trusted [i]advisors[/i] but rather, shapeshifters. Mages at that. Each bearing the [url=http://orig08.deviantart.net/73b1/f/2014/020/2/5/house_targaryen_three_headed_dragon_by_mattvine-d72znlz.png] mark[/url] of the Children of Tiamat. [color=9e0b0f]”Spies of the Children of Tiamat. They were put there one thousand years ago. It wasn’t until recently did I free your true advisors from their grasp. Nelrathian! Hyumae!”[/color] The pain was unbelievable. His sight gave out on him for half a second before coming back. The Unseelie that stood outside of room came in and swiftly knelt down in front of the queen as low as possible. “He tells the truth Your Darkness. We were stolen away from your Queendom and hidden away along with General Kyla.” Sulleykaar looked back towards the Queen. [color=9e0b0f]”I haven’t represented the Children of Tiamat for close to a century. I needed them to be disposed of so i can offer you a [i]proper[/i] agreement. I ask of you first to release me and Kyla so we may explain.[/color] When he looked at the queen this time, his eyes begged her. Morrígan finally cracked a smiled. Her wraithlike hands remained within him, [color=black]”Begging looks good on you.”[/color] she said before painfully ripping her hands free of him. It wasn’t the kind of ripping she’d hoped for, but he didn’t deserve death… yet. [color=black]”This amendment you wish to make, it will be one in our favor. You owe us for your lies.”[/color] there was no room for argument in her tone. Meanwhile, Kiara was seemingly frozen in time whilst Morrígan spoke. The raw, ancient energy that the monarch possessed was infrequently evoked in such a way. But soon, time would catch up to them all. Sulleykaar had pleaded for his life with colorful words that did nothing to quell Kiara’s rage. Spy or not, that was the only Hyumae she had ever known, and Sulleykaar had stolen that from her too. If he wanted her to stop, he would have to physically do so, as the Queen was content to let the revenge be granted. Kyla watched with eyes wide open as the fist came careening towards her. It was only in her peripherals did she see sulleykaar. The two were separated in an instant and the dragon saved her once again, this time from an untimely and unjust demise. Sulleykaar quickly turned his attention to Kiara and Kyla, his eyes dilated. [color=9e0b0f]”Tiid Klo Ul!”[/color] while the rest of the room returned to normal speed, Kiara and Kyla were now isolated in a dome of transparent light, their movements crawling to almost a stop. [color=9e0b0f]” Feim Zii Gron Wuld Nah Kest”[/color] His body became phantom like as he flew between them. [color=9e0b0f]”Fus!”[/color] A simple blast of air separated the two of them as clutched her arm and yanked her out of the imminent fatality. The dome diminished as Kiara’s fist collided with the wall, tearing it away from the structure. [color=9e0b0f]”I thank you for your mercy Queen Morrígan.”[/color] He looked back at Kiara with soft eyes, detesting the actions he had done to her. After a moment he brought his attention to the rest and exhaled a heavy breath. [color=9e0b0f]”Hear me out please. Even after this I truly need you to hear me fully through.”[/color] He paused and waited for the silent yes, even if he wasn’t sure there was one. [color=9e0b0f]” I retract my offer to lend you my Order for the land and instead give you the assistance of my Order at its fullest, 450,000 strong including my third party mercenaries and thieves. And I offer you my services as well but I only ask for this one thing...[/color] His head lowered slightly in defiance but held determination. [color=9e0b0f]”Kiara remains with me..”[/color] Kiara removed her fist from the rubble it had made of the wall. She sneered at Kyla and spat at the faeries feet disrespectfully, Kyla’s head held low. Such impoliteness was a slight of the very worst kind in their culture, a way of saying ‘know your place’. Queen Morrígan tsked her tongue [color=black]“Come now, child. She has paid the price for her actions.”[/color] At the Queen’s behest, Kiara let it lie. She was the only voice of reason that could speak to Kiara without the invocation of her true name. The rage still burned low in her gaze at the dragon, he was just as much to blame for her broken heart. Without regard to her glowering, he spoke of his proposed amendments to the contract. Morigannes face lit up. The dragon had upped the deal considerable on his part, and offered to give up land the fey had granted him. [color=black]”Excellent!”[/color] The Queen tentatively stated in agreement. Kiara’s eyes widened at how lightly she had taken the fact that her great-granddaughter was still very much a piece of property in this deal. She looked at Cynbel, giving her father one last shot at redemption in her eyes… he remained silent - silent, but stupid enough to quickly glance at her. The disgusted and disappointed face that stared back at him was not his daughter’s, but Edana’s. It was plain to see that he was being just as disowned as Kiara felt in that moment. [color=black]”... on the condition that there will be nothing but honesty between us from here on out. I want an ally, not a snake. This will be put in writing, so that you will be bound by blood with the inability to lie, just as we are by our nature.”[/color] The Dark Queen’s glamour shimmered back into place as she perked up a shapely brow. At the snap of her fingers, a changeling that was shaking in fear of the whole situation placed a piece of parchment in her hand. An advisor then quietly stood and looked at the dragon. “After what our Queen has stated, is there anything else you would like to tell us now before it’s too late?” He quirked an eyebrow. To Sulleykaar it was now or never and the dragon spoke up one last time. [color=9e0b0f]”Very well... I plan on bringing down the Children of Tiamat and your daughter will be the one to do it…[/color] It was not a question but a confident statement. “What! How is she supposed to do that!?” An advisor exclaimed. [color=9e0b0f]”I had a vision centuries ago where a creature of red and fire, and a girl of stone would unite darkness and light in order to bring the kin of the great red dragon back to the depths of Nåm'hní. In this vision, I am the creature of red and fire-”[/color] “And you believe that Kiara is the girl of stone?” Finished the advisor. The dragon shrugged. [color=9e0b0f]”Possibly. I cannot say for certain. When we were at the gates we had gotten into a slight scuffle and I used one of my many Old Scale spells at my disposal to stop her. For a time it did, until-”[/color] Cynbel glowered at the dragon, displeased with such treatment of his little girl. The dragon glanced over at Kiara with a smile before turning back to the rest with straight face. [color=9e0b0f]”She managed to move a bit from it. Of course I wouldn’t use the fullest extent of it, but the fact that with even the slightest amount of power to it, she managed to resist…[/color] He paused for a moment to let that sink in. [color=9e0b0f]”For close to a millenia and a half I have searched the realms for this certain girl and I feel that I have come across her. Kiara... I can say with confidence may be the one I was looking for and so I made her apart of the deal as protection from the others. They would have killed her or worse. My actions towards you at the den Cynbel-”[/color] He looked at the general with saddened eyes. [color=9e0b0f]”I am truly sorry for. I had to maintain my image among them or else I would have been noticed and the chance to save the fey realm would be lost forever. I did what I had to for the greater good. I hope you can understand this.”[/color] He let his eyes look into every faerie there, settling on Kiara’s last. He would find her boldly staring back at him. The color of her irises now a dark, garnet red instead of abyssal black. [color=gray]”You wish to teach me how to kill dragons?”[/color] she asked in a flat voice with an even more emotionless expression. Cynbel smirked behind Sulleykaar’s back in a tinge of fatherly pride. [color=9e0b0f]”No…[/color] He stated stoically before offering a small smile. He leaned in towards her. [color=9e0b0f]”I won’t be teaching you to kill dragons...I will be teaching you how to erase them from existence.”[/color] The corner of her mouth quirked up slightly. [color=gray]”I accept these terms.”[/color] she said and then looked at her Queen and curtsied respectfully. Morrígan scrawled out the deal in elegant script rivaling that of the Elven tombs. Once finished, the Queen offered Sulleykaar the contract to seal first. When he went to sign, one of the advisors spoke up one last time, a question burning on his tongue. “Queen Morrígan and Sulleykaar, if I may.” The dragon raised an eyebrow in a silent yes. “You said that in your vision you and Kiara are to take down the Children of Tiamat.” He nodded. “What is this uniting the darkness and light?” Sulleykaar looked down at the contract, quill in hand and placed it down. Queen Morrígan smiled knowingly, dragons weren’t the only ancient beings to see visions of the future. Slowly, he stood erect and took in a deep breath before answering with a statement of finality. [color=9e0b0f]”I have only guessed at this but...She will be the one to unite the Seelie and Unseelie courts to defend against the Children of Tiamat’s forces.”[/color] It took only a moment before the advisor begun to chuckle, and the laughter became a virus. Sulleykaar grimaced before his hands flicked the air, exposing a real time picture and what the advisors saw made them gasp. [color=9e0b0f]”There are, known to many, to be at least 7 realms in the surrounding feylines and the Children of Tiamat have reign over 6 of the seven. You can guess at who’s is not apart of this control. Their armies...no….legions are as vast as the realms and have control of the former kingdoms’ troops. 30 kingdoms to be precise. And my order is just a decimal compared to what they have.”[/color] [color=black]”And they are nothing before us.”[/color] Queen Morrígan said with the pride of faerie behind her words, to which Sulleykaar nodded in agreement. Whether or not she liked to admit it, uniting forces with her ancient, forbidden lover would make for an army to truly be feared. Her troops would not easily be convinced to get along with the Seelie, but that would be Sulleykaar’s job as Commander to inspire. “Then when do you plan on teaching her this...” The advisor squinted his eyes. Sulleykaar smirked as he swiftly picked up the quill, signed it and finished it off the same way he did at the den with burnt blood and paper. [color=9e0b0f]”Right now.”[/color] He gave the Queen a simple nod and turned heel, Kyla in tow. [color=9e0b0f]” Kiara come... We have work to do.”[/color] He turned his head towards Cynbel with a straight face. [color=9e0b0f]”I suggest that the ambush still goes as plan not to bring attention to the Children of Tiamat.”[/color] [color=lightgray]“Of course it will, we are at war with the Seelie.”[/color] Cynbel said matter-of-factly. Dragons wars might be the future, but this was the present. Kiara was not pleased at being ordered around once more, and even less enthused by having to walk beside the turncloak broad. But, she had a role to play and a dragon to learn how to erase from existence. Maybe, if she was lucky, Kyla would find somewhere else to buzz off to… but, as this day had proceeded to prove, Kiara was anything but lucky.