Caleb dusted himself off. "Oh, my apologies ma'am." He felt relief to know that she wasn't here to take the animals away. As this wasn't really his land and he'd just barely been managing on his own he was worried that someone might end up reporting him. He'd been up keeping the farm the best he could. He tipped his head to her, he would have tipped his hat but it seemed to be somewhere on the floor after crashing to the ground in the whole incident. "I am not, but I knew your grandfather. He is-was, a really nice gentleman. The kindest I'd ever met." He smiled at the memories. The man had become a nice older male figure in his life. He'd never really had a male role model before, and Mr. Scott had helped him see that men could truly be kind. He showed him that Caleb didn't have to grow up to be like his father. "I've been keeping up the farm as a thanks to him." He told her, while it was true, he also didn't have another place to go. He hoped that she wouldn't want to be throwing him out on the spot right now. She might just be here to sell the place, and if she was he couldn't stay here for sure.