Feel free to contend with these points, but these are answers that I’ve formulated so far: [b]- How will move learning be integrated?[/b] I like these ideas y’all are putting forward. I’m going to use Rune’s idea of inherent HMs: a water Pokémon likely knows Surf, a flying Pokémon knows Fly, and any Pokémon that is arguably strong will know Strength (not just Fighting Pokémon). Furthermore, Cut can be used by Pokémon with claws, talons, etc. and Flash by electricity-using Pokémon. If you can argue a sensible reason why your Pokémon can utilize an HM, I’ll let you have it. That being said, there are moves known by Pokémon in the game that I’m not allowing, such as Nidoking using Surf. That’s stupid. TMs can be bought as discs and used as “memory download” devices as Unknowable suggested by inserting them into the Pokédex. Special TM moves can be learned and/or taught by gym leaders and influential trainers. That being said, one might be able to have a powerful trainer teach their Pokémon “Thunderbolt” rather than having to buy the expensive TM. [b]- How are wild Pokémon encounters established?[/b] There will be a set list of Pokémon for each route, however the list will not be known. Trainers can learn what Pokémon are on each route by experiencing it for themselves or asking around the local area. If a Pokémon is known to be on the route, a trainer is completely able to seek that Pokémon freely and as many times as they wish. There will be rarer Pokémon to be encountered on some routes, and they will be known by few if any locals. There will be one or two to a route, but not every route will have a rare Pokémon. Special circumstances will need to be met to encounter these rare Pokémon. [b]- Should there be a set system in place for leveling, evolving, travel, food, and/or other elements within the Pokémon universe?[/b] I will not require players to eat and keep track of hunger. Each route will involve a set amount encounters if travelled through, which range from wild Pokémon encounters to trainer battles and random events. Each route will have a different amount of encounters depending on its size. The size will be known before entry. Side note: I need to start making a map… that’d make it much easier. I will keep track of experience, no need to worry. This way, a player is kept blind to when a Pokémon is to evolve, and it will be that much more exciting when it occurs. This will also take away a lot of the maintenance of making a post. I’ll likely create a custom leveling path so evolution can’t be predicted from source. I will ask, though, that players keep track of their Pokémon and their condition (SLP, FRZ, BRN, FAINTED, etc.) in the subheading of their posts. [b]- How likely is it to encounter a legendary Pokémon? How much involvement should they have?[/b] At the moment, legendries will make very minor appearances throughout the story. Only the most wise of individuals will know where these Pokémon might lie waiting. [b]- Should posts be kept to low, mid, or high casual standards?[/b] High casual sounds best to me as well. If people aren’t able to post daily, I will ask you at least post once every other day, no less. I say this because too many threads I’ve been in have died at the 3-day mark. One warning will be followed by suspension from the RP. [b]- How much group interaction are people wanting to experience? Solitary travel, intermittent interactions with other solo travelers, or all group travel?[/b] This one becomes a bit difficult to answer, as I see mixed interest for this. I would propose travelling in two groups of 2 or as one group. If everyone has their heart set on travelling alone, I may need help in GMing this. I don’t mind having a co-GM, it’s just the matter of finding one. [b]- How involved should the Elite Four and the Pokémon League Champion be in the world?[/b] You may see certain, powerful trainers in towns you’re in, and some of they just might be of the Elite Four. Their identities are kept anonymous, however, so as to protect them for certain plot reasons. The true Elite Four will only be revealed by obtaining all badges and challenging them at the end of the League. [b]- How realistic should this RP be?[/b] Modern realism it is, save for the not being required to eat stipulation. I will integrate day and night cycles into the game, so sleeping is recommended (though some Pokémon can only be caught at certain times). [b]- How closely should we adhere to the games? Will there be turn-based combat, can Pokémon only learn four moves, do you have to require badges to travel on to future areas, etc.[/b] Since I’m keeping track of levels, I’ll also inform you when your Pokémon have learned certain moves. Again, this will not be off of source so as to keep the level and stage of evolution anonymous. Moves will not be limited to a set of four, and combat will not be taken in turn. Multiple moves may be used in sequence in order to make room for creativity, and utilization of the environment is encouraged. Again, I’ll keep track of what moves your Pokémon do and do not know, but I encourage you do the same. Badges are not required unless attempting to access restricted areas, such as high-skill facilities and the Elite Four. [b]- A huge question: do Pokémon faint, or do they die?[/b] Intent to kill must be made apparent in the post, and is possible. Though, most trainers will not do this. Killing another trainer’s Pokémon is considered a criminal act and authorities will take proper action. A kill shot can only be made by a much higher level Pokémon, and/or if the assaulted Pokémon is very weak or fainted. Oh, and Explosion and movies alike to it will not result in the death of the Pokémon. [b]- Gym battles? Oh boy…[/b] Alright. If the party is opposed to dice rolls, I will not implement them. HOWEVER: I will not make it known what level the gym’s Pokémon are at. Creativity, utilization of environment, and sometimes luck are required to defeat a gym battle. And even then, victory is not guaranteed. I will also take weaknesses/type advantage, environmental advantage, and critical hits into consideration. Oh, and a Pokémon may not switch out in the middle of combat. Switching out in this manner would be grounds for disqualification. Fights, or rounds, must come to an end before a switch is made. This is to avoid constant type advantage and an infinite cycle of switching to gain an edge. And yes, spamming powerful moves will always lose to combination attacks or quick thinking. If there are any more questions, let me know! I’ll be working on the OOC right after dinner, with character sheet and plot introduction included. Everyone that’s shown interest will be tagged upon creation. I’m looking forward to this story, and hope you all are as well!