[sub][sub][h3]D I A N T H E [color=f7976a]S A R R I S[/color] [i]Palace of Ivalice[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][hr]Aside from her excitement when Nero had found the secret passageway, Dianthe had fallen silent for a majority of the walk. Flora's own Palace had secret passageways, but nothing like this. The whole path was odd, and even though she hadn't replied to her Commanders comment, it [i]did[/i] feel like they were walking on a downhill slope. Curiosity and anticipation peaking as the seemingly endless hallway came to an end at an old door, she fought past her impatient urge to open the door herself as she watched Nero grab and turn the rusty knob. Before the fluorescent lights turned on above, an eager grin had stretched across the woman's face as they entered the mysterious room, but once the entire room was lit Dianthe's grin fell flat. She had no words for what was before her, and in the heat of the moment she had to remind herself to breathe. Eyes wide and body tense, she stood beside Nero in silence as she took in the kneeling form of a massive Behemoth. As a historian she was very well read up on The Great War, and years worth of stories from her grandfather were still fresh in her mind. Always fascinated by the tales that involved the Behemoths of the old world as a child, Dianthe found all her interest and fascination on the massive beasts fall flat as she stared at one up close. Aware of the destruction the giants were capable of, a churning, unsettling feeling began to form in her gut. Turning her gaze away from the Behemoth and answering Gideon's question, Dianthe spoke in a firm, yet shaky tone, "[color=f7976a]We need to warn the President. Right?[/color]" At her words, Dianthe turned to her Commander with a look that seemed to ask for his reassurance. She didn't know how to tackle such a situation, and it made her uneasy knowing the President was vulnerable to this knowledge. Eyebrows knitting together in worry and concern, Dianthe threw a glance back at the kneeling giant behind her. Such a beast could swat a plane out of the sky with ease, and she didn't even want to think about what it could do a city. She awaited Nero's reply now, gut still churning as she began to grow uncomfortable standing next to the tank with the slumbering Behemoth.