[hider=The Kingdom of Khor Kalduhr] [center][h1][b]The Kingdom of Khor Kalduhr[/b][/h1] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/9/9f/DwarfCrest.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121116163925[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][b][h2]General Introduction[/h2][/b][/center] [hr][hr] [justify][The Kingdom of Khor Kalduhr predates the Ardonian Empire, tucked away in the Northern Mountains, also known as the Spine of the World. Safe beneath their mountains and protected by inclement weather, the Dwarves and Gnomes of this Mountain Kingdom carried on with work, delving deeper into the stone and working to develop new and wondrous technologies. The combination of Dwarven ingenuity and Gnomish genius has led to one of the most technologically advanced nationstates on the face of the earth. It is perhaps well that the races of Khor Kalduhr are few in number and like their mead or they might conquer the world. [hr][hr][center][b][h2]Location/Geography[/h2][/b][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://www.note2forum.com/forum/attachments/galaxy-note-2-graphics/1329d1357177915-share-your-wallpapers-6899-mountain-1920x1080-fantasy-wallpaper.jpg[/img] [sub]A view of the Spine of the World from the Deep Wood[/sub][/center] [hider=Claims] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vBsdtmZ.png[/img] [/hider] Zone: 5 Khor Kaldhur is perhaps the most weather friendly portion of the north island. The large inland sea brings warm air to the region, which collides with the cold weather that manages to make it over the Spine of the World. The result is a tremendously lush region closer to the coast that slowly gives way to the fiercer mountains in the North. It would be safe to say it rains “quite a bit” during the spring and fall in the lower reaches. The major settlements of the region are vast fortified cities built into the mountains but in the recent years, as new technologies have become available, smaller fortress towns have appeared on the surface, including one large port city. [hr][hr][center][b][h2]History[/h2][/b][/center] [hr][hr] The Dwarves and Gnomes of Khor Kaldhur have always been in the Spine of the World, or so they tell themselves. There is not a time in memory, in story or even in literature, where the two races did not live in harmony beneath the jagged peaks, united by the aggression of their neighbours, both above and below ground. There have been countless Goblin Wars in the deep tunnels, most importantly over the Sun Crystals, great stones discovered some thousand years before that provided light to the darkest parts of the Underdark realms where the battles raged. In the last hundred years one Gnome, quite dead now, discovered that they could provide more than light and so the quest began to find new and interesting ways to use the stones. The Gnomes, working closely with the Dwarves who show some aptitude for Magic, have been able to use the stones to achieve flight. Though the number of successful airships is growing they are mostly for public enjoyment though there are rumours that a large cavern has been turned into a shipyard for war capable airships. [hr][hr][center][h2][b]Government & Capital[/b][/h2] [hr][hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/1f/ef/d21fef41f6c7939294f6e5b6858fb267.jpg[/img] [sub]The Great Forge[/sub][/center] The Capital City shares part of the Kingdoms name, Kalduhr. It is a massive network fo larger caverns linked by great vaulted tunnels, the homes of the Dwarves and Gnomes carved into the sidewalls. Two gates access the city, one leading into the outside world, the second into the Underdark below. Roughly a quarter of the Kingdoms population lives within its walls. Government in the Kingdom is a bit of a complicated mess. There is a King of course; the bloodline of the Dwarven Kings who rule Khor Kalduhr has been unbroken for all time. There is however a Closed Council, nine chosen Dwarves and Gnomes, who make most of the Kingdoms actual decisions. It is important to note that there is no distinction in worth between male and female members of this society and at present five females sit on the Closed Council. [hr][hr][center][h2][b]Races[/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/6/6a/Dwarf_King_Throng.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20150627143616[/img] [sub]Abban Frostforged, King of Khor Kalduhr[/sub][/center] Abban Frostforged is the King of Khor Kalduhr through birth and rite of combat. His name, Frostforged, was earned in a mighty single combat against a Frost Wyrm that had made its way into the Dwarven diggings. The legend goes that Abban tore the beasts head off with his bare hands. A story, maybe, but a good one. [hider=Dwarves] [center][img]http://s32.postimg.org/n493wu491/1cb44779be8b7a6c501ae604cad9d490.jpg[/img] ** [img]http://s32.postimg.org/xgj1nckxx/Female_Dwarf.jpg[/img] [sub]Common Male and Female Dwarves [/sub][/center] The Dwarves are the greater of the two main races in population. Living to around 200 years on average, and topping out at five feet tall, Dwarves come in many shapes and sizes. Some are attractive even by Human standards while others are nearly as wide as they are tall. And no, Dwarven women do not grow beards. [/hider] [hider=Gnomes] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/8/82/Jan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080114205559[/img] ** [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/52/9a/07529a7250b883f504b06887b05c269e.jpg[/img] [sub]Common Male and Feale Gnomes [/sub][/center] Gnomes are smaller than their Dwarven counterparts and can often be confused for Halflings at first glance as they share the same height and general body type characteristics. There are several important differences that should be noted; Gnomes do not have foot hair, they generally dye their own hair wonderful colours, and they are very mechanically inclined while showing very little skill at traditional Halfling traits such as the brewing of mead. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h2][b]Social Culture[/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] Life in Khor Kaldhur revolves around several important features, the greatest being pursuit of Mastery in your chosen art, the second is living a merry life. If one ever sought to enjoy a fine beverage, great feasts and grandiose stories, then they should look no further than the nearest tavern. Pursuit of Mastery in ones chosen professions is looked upon with great pride by all citizens of Khor Kaldhur. Be it a tailor, miner, blacksmith, brewer, inventor, gunsmith or warrior, to be the best is the greatest achievement a Dwarf or Gnome can strive towards. Society revolves around your skillset, those with the talent and the age often rest at the top of the hierarchy while those who are new, or not gifted, sit towards the bottom of the social ladder but all are considered equal. Inter-racial relationships between the two races is not uncommon and marriage is a rare concept. Often a female will pick a partner and the two will produce a child. The child is then raised by the two until the age of twenty when it is turned over to the State for five years of military service. Once its mandatory service is complete the child is free to continue in the service of the Kingdom or seek other employment. [hr][hr] [h2][center] [b]Magic[/b][/center][/h2] [hr][hr] [center] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/f75a/i/2013/077/0/e/fantasy_airship_by_yuchenghong-d5yj5xy.jpg[/img] [sub]The Gnomish Skyship – CSS Mark 30B[/sub][/center] Magic in Khor Kalduhr comes from the Sun Stones, crystals found beneath the Spine of the World. They provide un-ending light, power to machinery, and most recently, to Skyship. The most recent craft, the Mark 30B, is the result of major trials and tribulations to provide a decent Flying Ship for use by the general population as a means of getting around. There are rumours that the Sun Crystals are being fitted to fighting Skyship but the size of the Skyship that has to be built to make it functional for long voyages and combat is substantial. Trials are underway. [hr][hr][center][h2][b]Economy & Industry[/b][/h2] [hr][hr] [img]https://cdn3.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/076/263/small/dwarven_caverns_concept_art_2_by_artofjokinen-d5mibt5_(1).jpg?1400841218[/img] [sub]A Gunsmiths Forge[/sub][/center] Stories and Legends about Dwarves are true, they like shiney things, and so do Gnomes to some extent. As a result the Mining activities of Khor Kaldhur are extensive and vary in take from common iron and copper ores, to gold and gems, right up to the Sun Crystals. These precious items are used to purchase what the citizens cannot produce themselves. The Kingdom produces all its own weapons, armour, firearms, machinery, and more. Nearly everything it requires for raw materials can be found within its own borders, though the slow expansion of the population may force the Kingdom to look for more territory. [hr][hr][center][b][h2]Army Overview[/h2][/b][/center] [hr][hr][center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/11/87/0a/11870a3a18fe75c6a72c7f5f3dc8bc37.jpg[/img] [sub]Warriors Survey the Enemy[/sub][/center] The Kingdoms military is what much of what anyone would expect from two such unique races. The Dwarves, being larger and stronger, provide the backbone of the fighting muscle, the heavy infantry, ranged troops and the limited cavalry available. The Gnomes of course provide the technological edge as engineers, rifle troops when needed, and scouts. [hider=Dwarven Warrior] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/03/dc/ca/03dcca843eb8288e5fd382e061ac9b97.jpg[/img] [sub]Chainmail with plate additions, and a two handed or single hand weapon and shield are common armaments for the Dwarven foot troops.[/sub][/center] All Dwarves and Gnomes must serve five years in a basic military unit somewhere. For most Dwarves it is the Infantry. They are the true backbone and strength of the Kingdom. Given their opportunity to choose a hand weapon of their choice, they are then trained in tunnel fighting as well as surface warfare. The Dwarves well-known strength makes them a force to be feared above and below ground. [/hider] [hider=Ranged Troops] [center] [img]http://s32.postimg.org/z00oee2kl/873x715_1805_Dwarven_Bombardier_2d_fantasy_dwarf.jpg[/img] ** [img]http://s32.postimg.org/hm3vm75ad/fcd08ea38a04812fc32c3d7dc1568718.jpg[/img] ** [img]http://s32.postimg.org/42sjwzekl/r169_457x256_8945_Hunter_2d_fantasy_hunter_dwarf.jpg[/img] [sub]A Dwarven Flamethrower, Gnomish Crossbow, and Dwarven Rifleman[/sub][/center] The Kingdom has an excellent assortment of ranged weapons for battling in the tunnels and in the world above. The most fearsome, and virtually useless above ground, is the Dwarven Flamethrower. Not useful above ground because, should someone shoot the tank on the wielders back, he is liable to explode. [/hider] [hider=Elite Infantry Units] [center] [img]http://s32.postimg.org/zaoqb7eyt/79bd4ebda608df6dcf2dae010c17e9fb.jpg[/img] ** [img]http://s32.postimg.org/cuf71yxs5/aae92f3d78080e39cfdab0167eed5700.jpg[/img] [sub]Dwarf Ironbreaker and Slayer[/sub][/center] The elite infantry units of the Dwarven fighting core are fearsome no matter how you look at them. The Ironbreakers are covered from head to toe in armour, only their beards are visible. The Slayers are Dwarves who have, to be polite we’ll say, “Gone off the deep end”. They enter into a battle frenzy and are as dangerous to their allies as they are to their foes. [/hider] [hider=Artillery] [center] [img]http://s32.postimg.org/f0uob80w5/Dwarf_Cannon.png[/img] [sub]A Gnome Cannon supports a Dwarven attack[/sub][/center] The cannon technology of the Kingdom is limited at best. The guns are typically short barrelled and mounted in defensive positions. Much more dangerous are the Gnomish ballista which have a better range. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][b][h2]Skyship Overview[/h2][/b][/center] [hr][hr] The Kingdom has few ships to speak of and will hire out the vessels of others should they require shipping work. Dwarves and Gnomes are not sailors. This of course leaves them with no choice but to look elsewhere for transport and they have found it in the Skyships that have recently begun production. [hider=Gnomish Skyship] [center] [img]http://www.art7d.be/images5/VM_steampunk07.jpg[/img] [sub]The Skyship – ValDunn (SS Mark 1A)[/sub][/center] No seaworthy vessels. No real ports to speak of. Take those problems, add in Gnomes gone crazy with ideas, and you get the Skyship ValDunn. This huge aircraft is in the trial phase as the Gnomes wrestle with how to build a Skyship capable of long flight and combat. Powered by Sun Crystals and the basic ideas taken from the smaller CSS Mark 30B, this aircraft is made of speciality made thin Dwarven steel, a light wood known as bamboo, and silken sails, it is extraordinarily expensive and no one actually knows if it will fly at all. [/hider] [/justify] [/hider]