[quote=@Evil Snowman] [@Silver Fox] Yeah this new Ratchet didn't impress me as much either, but then again he's got some really big shoes to fill. So until the second reboot comes out I'll hold of on hating him or loving him. Yeah Quark telling the story was interesting, the opening scene I was like WTF is this. Then it all clicked into place. I wish they had added a few more worlds form the original, wasn't a fan of the clank sections, but they did prove be good break form the mindless explosions and dancing. So what was your favorite weapon? Mines pretty easy to work out. [/quote] Yeah. Couldn't help pretty comment of all the little things between the two Ratchets. Just by comparing the first games between the two together. (as the Ratchet we know and love knows he gets quite developed through all his games. Mainly the first trilogy) -Oh. This one is a fanboy. Original Ratchet knew of the famous people, but didn't go gaga over them. He even blackmailed Skidd before helping him. Wait, Captain Quark is telling the story. Makes sense he'd make Ratchet out to be a fan. Ok. -This one dreams of being a hero. Old Ratchet just kinda wanted fame. Otherwise seemed pretty chill on his planet. Would prefer to just go hoverboarding. Kaaaay. -New Ratchet lied to Clank in order to travel to Captain Quark. Original Ratchet, despite being a bit of a ass, never really lied. Clank just needed him, and Ratchet needed Clank for them to go anywhere. -New Ratchet doesn't seem to quite catch things quite as fast as Old Ratchet. As Old Ratchet often questioned on suspicious things. Like the obvious dangerous area Captain Quark led him into as a 'test' despite already proving himself or the trap Clank fell for. Havent fully finished the game so can't quite judge New Ratchet all the way yet but so far he's a meh. Seems to follow the archtype a few other heroes we know. But hopefully, he gets just as much developed as our Ratchet does in future games.