If you're still accepting newcomers, I'd be keen to join! [hider=Reed] Name: Reed Age: Mid-40's-to-50's Appearance: Minus the medkit and gun. [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/8a12/th/pre/i/2016/041/d/6/3_by_5ofnovember-d9r7ew6.jpg[/img] Bio: For the past thirty or so years, Reed has done nothing of any real importance. He sleeps most of the day, watches TV when he's awake and typically spends most of his time out of his small, studio apartment either bowling or playing the bowling alley's nearby arcade games. His earliest memory is of Rome burning while he walked away. He has no idea if he had any hand in the event or what he was even doing there, but his long life involved travelling from land to land. He remembers fighting as a soldier for countless armies in numerous wars, working as a blacksmith, a stable-hand, a farmer, a rancher, a bartender, a bodyguard, an assassin, a merchant, a chimney sweep, an electrician, a mechanic, a teacher, a babysitter, a boxer, painter, a carpenter, a builder, a bricklayer... The list goes on and on. He remembers fighting on the docks of Nihon as one of the first Caucasian visitors to the Land of the Rising Sun. What he doesn't remember is when he stopped caring. Personality: Reed seems anti-social to say the least. He rarely speaks and when he does he shows very little interest in the conversation, as if he has places he would rather be and things he would rather be doing, which is exactly how he feels. Possessions: His day to day clothes as well as a sizable crate full of valuable items, treasures, trinkets, relics and artifacts he has collected throughout history. Skills: Reed is a Jack-of-all-trades and a master of some. He's a skilled fighter in various styles of hand-to-had combat as well as with swords and other melee weapons. He's proficient with firearms but shows little interest in them overall. He's quite well read, fluent in multiple language, both dead tongues and those used today. He is knowledgeable enough in terms of electronics, mechanics, carpentry and other forms of construction and repair that he rarely needs to rely on others for help. Fast facts: Reed doesn't fear anything. He's learned long ago that he cannot be killed by anything, so he's not particular concerned by any "dangers". He's had enough experience in combat that while he still feels pain, he's long since learned to push through it and focus past it. His has no particular favourite food and stopped caring about music long ago.[/hider]