[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmViOTVmOS5TaWQ2Wlc0Z1dtRjBZWEpoLjAA/dynamic-brk.regular.png[/img] [hider=Charmed, but without the sword.][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1534/b39b3df866908f75095daab52cdd563521d7f02c.png[/img][/hider] The day was here, it was finally freaking here! The day where J'zen would join the team called Teen Titans, not much people were recruited into the team. It took some hard work for him to get recruited into this team, he hard lots about it due to his cousin, Zatanna being an ex-teen titan. Alright, J'zen didn't really work his way up to be part of the team, he was just referred by his cousin. Thankfully they accepted him with open arms, but the only problem was... who would be his other team-mates and would they even be nice to him? Never know! As they arrived at the wonderful tower, J'zen and Zatanna both walked to his room, it was made just for him, since he was a homo-magi or well he likes to call himself a 'Wiccan'. There were magical books around and candles for spells, that is if he wanted to cast some. [color=pink]"I.... am in love with this room!"[/color] the feminine male yelled while running around the room, scanning it with his own eyes. Zatanna couldn't help but to giggle before she said; "Come on, J'zen. You can't be this excited. Save it for when you meet the other team-mates." she'd say before turning around to walk away from the room. J'zen nodded at his cousin, walking behind her as he headed over to the room where the team was going to meet. There was already a girl and a boy there, J'zen happily waved at them from afar; [color=pink]"Hello guys!"[/color] he'd smile brightly. Oh and J'zen was wearing a tight one-piece swimwear with some shorts on.[/center]