I would love to do an 40k RP based around the homebrew chapter [url=https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Conservators#Chapter_Customs]Conservators[/url] (seriously, I think I love these guys even more than any of the canon chapters), but I realize two major, inherent flaws in such an idea: 1) The 40k community on RPGuild is tiny and those who know the lore well have an even smaller percentage of the population. Said people also aren't a fan of what the second point will be saying. 2) Given the nature of the Chapter, it'd end up being less like the "grimdark hack n slash bullet hell battles" that has come to characterize 40k and 40k RPs, but something more like a slice-of-life RP which I'd find quite interesting with this chapter but am sure that I'm am possibly the only one who'd be interested in something like this.