[@olcharlieboi][@Zebra][@Princeofhearts][@SirSqueakalot91] [@Bright_Ops] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=45&t=Jesse&c=FF0000[/img] [URL= http://img11.deviantart.net/60c2/i/2015/181/f/2/wondergirl___swimsuit_special_by_j_skipper-d8zfe6v.png]Swimsuit[/URL] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=45&t=Quick&c=FFCC00[/img] [h2][color=FF3366]AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA[/color][/h2][/center] Jesse headed back to the tower Phasing through the open ground level's glass wall careful not to leave residual vibrations that xould shatter them and less than a second later came to a stop among her new team members [color=FF3366]"Hello everyone"[/color] says the typical blonde beach bunny her hair still in motion as it floated across her shoulders coming to rest like an amber wave cascading over her tan skin. [color=FF3366]"First of all I'd love thank you all for showing up for my little grand opening; you make me feel grateful to be the appointed team leader. I'd have looked silly if you hadn't" [/color] says Jesse with a little giggle as in a blur she appears before each an shakes their hands [color=FF3366]"Glad to meet you Stephen or do you prefer Strangefate ?"[/color] she says to the young wizard before buzzing over to shake J'zen's hand. [color=FF3366]"How lovely to have you here J'zen OMG we certainly have a bumper crop of spellcasters"[/color] Then with a blur she stands before Zenyatta and smiles saying [color=FF3366] "How wonderful you made it Zenyatta it makes me so happy to know we in South branch have someone like you on our side"[/color] [color=FF3366]"Charles glad to see you take time out from your games to join us"[/color] Jess says with a cheerful smile. [color=FF3366]"Greetings to you Draco hope you like the place"[/color] laughs softly taking his hand an shaking it She blurs once more to stop before them all and Bow Theatrically [color=FF3366]"I am Jesse Chambers/Bell otherwise known as the Fastest girl alive and I know I'm repeating myself but Welcome home; at least that's how I hope you all see the Tower. I've prepared us all a feast on our snow white beach and if you require anything I've missed let me know[/color] Her eyes sparkle with delight as she looks them all over once more