[img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Draco%20Russ%2C%20Prophet%0A&name=JBLACK.ttf&size=100&style_color=5905A3[/img] The appointed team leader (Who looked great in a bikini), was fast. [i]Very[/i] fast. She also didn't seem shy in the slightest either considering the way that she never stopped talking. When she appeared in front of him to shake his hand, Draco gladly took her hand and shook it with a practiced firmness; After all, crushing the bones in someone's hand to dust often made a bad first impression. "[color=0072bc]Thank you for accepting my request for that little extra room. I've already turned it into a shrine. You look kick ass by the way.[/color]" Draco offered, his last words punctuated by a playful little wink. The announcement of the feast seemed to perk him up a little, but as one of his new team mates asked if anyone was willing to share their story for a blog or podcast, Draco couldn't help but tilt his head a little as he gazed at him. "[color=0072bc]I wouldn't be against doing an interview. My name's Draco but I would rather be interviewed as Prophet.[/color]" It was as good a place as any to start spreading the word of the Goddess after all. [@RumikoOhara][@SirSqueakalot91]