What orkish forces remained were quickly mopped up by the barrage of weapon fire against them. The battlefield was quiet for a moment. Then a hatch on a nearby bunker swung open. A steel-faced man stepped out. His uniform denoting an officer of somewhat high rank. "So... you are the new men for this small stretch of fortifications... Well then, I see the xenos already gave you quite the warm welcome." He stepped forward ponderously. Sizing up the band of misfits before him. He seemed to decide internally they were adequate and nodded in silent approval. "You look like a good bunch for a mission I've been planning... I need some men to break the current stalemate. This bunker has a tunnel connecting to a local mechanized bunker. Go there and join up with the techpriest I assigned to prepare the machine spirits of the equipment you will be using. The mission is simple. force an opening into the orks defences by any means necesarry. Dismissed!" With that, the officer returned to his station. Coördinating with various vox operators. You can glimpse an overview of the entire trenchline... YOu aren't trained for higher tactica, but it doesn't take a genius to see the orks are making steady gains every day... or possibly even every hour.