[@T Risket][@Bourgeoisie] Kat turned slightly to Adrian at his comment, not breaking line of sight with Lancer and gave him a small, if also wary smile before shaking her head. [color=8882be]"Nothing I could easily find for now. It may be easier to find out more about the events once we examine the scene and talk to the wife. Limited connectivity on my iPad at the moment. Once we arrive I can head to the town's library or the town clerk's office, presuming one exists, and search through the public record assuming Mrs. Smith does not provide us with any useful intelligence."[/color] She turned back to the gaze of Mr. Lancer's beady hazel eyes that were still fixed on hers, observing her interactions with Adrian like a hawk. But less like a hawk, she considered, and more like a viper eyeing its prey just before it struck. His gaze certainly seemed venomous enough... His response came almost directly after she had finished speaking to Adrian. There was an unmissiable air of insincerity resounding out of each syllable that he spoke. Her eyes widened slightly and she tried to hide her reaction, but it was too late. She snorted out a breath of laughter amused, despite herself. [color=8882be]"You know sadly I have no coffee on my iPad, but I am sure that there will be an app for that soon. While I lack the apparently requisite Facebook account, I can certainly look up the weather."[/color] She pulled up her IPad once again. Her amused eyes sharpening, though sill amused, a small amount[color=8882be]"Where might your home be? I would hate for your tomatoes to suffer any needless damage. Perhaps you might call a friend to move them for you?"[/color] She flashed a professional smile at him, before glancing down at her bag in sudden small realization. She popped off one of the buttons holding a smaller pocket closed reached in and pulled out an unused teabag. She extended out her hand to Lancer, offering it. [color=8882be]"Earl Gray. It seems the closest thing I have to coffee."[/color]