[img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Draco%20Russ%2C%20Prophet%0A&name=JBLACK.ttf&size=80&style_color=5905A3[/img] Draco was kind of surprised at just how... well, flirty J'zen was. He really wasn't used to being flirted with; It just never really happened for him in the past. Oh sure he was good a public speaking and all that but he had always had his attention focused elsewhere instead of seeking out a girlfriend or the like. "[color=0072bc]Maybe you could show me your room sometime?[/color]" He asked playfully back before his gaze followed the leaving J'zen for a few moments before he shook his head and focused on the world around him again. To say that shit hit the fan in a hurry would have been an understatement... expect that it didn't. In rapid session a sea monster and a supernatural enemy quickly reveled themselves to be friends... well, not so much friends as allies. Both times Draco had braced for action but found himself without an enemy to fight. Some might have considered this a bit of a let down (The fact that he couldn't do a great deed in his Goddess's name was somewhat disappointing he had to admit) but Draco simply took the time to calm himself and observe how his team mates talked to each other and interacted. There was work that needed to be done to get this band of strange misfits into an organized team ready to combat evil and a small part of him smiled at the challenge. Deciding to start making some head way with that, Draco calmly approached Jesse now that she wasn't being swamped by perverted teenage boys and offered her a small smile and a warm nod in greeting. "[color=0072bc]So Jesse, if you don't mind me asking what sort of team building training exercises were you planning on using?[/color]" Sure it was business talk, but it was better then suffering a nose bleed and a fainting spell at the sight of her. [@Princeofhearts][@RumikoOhara]