It was a surreal experience for Tommy to walk through the tunnels, on the way to fight a bunch of githkin. He'd never held a gun in his life, and now he was reading training manuals on how to use this extremely powerful battle suit to deal massive damage. Apparently his suit was equipped with a special shield, different from the rest. It would be just like throwing a Frisbee, Tommy would get it in no time!... Except that he had never thrown a Frisbee either. Tommy shook his head as he saw the githkin using the rebel as a human shield. No no, that simply would not do. He took a stance and expanded his shield, a large round thing that was large enough to cover almost his entire body and had a little slit for his gun in it. He almost tripped as he was surprised by just how large the thing was. Oh well, it was throw time! [color=blue]"Yo, githkin assholes! Get ready to be... ugh, violently and unceremoniously incapacitated!"[/color] he said, as he threw his shield, aiming towards the neck of the githkin using the rebel as a shield.