[center][h1]The Operative[/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/2265/f/2013/060/7/d/cyberninja_by_james_face-d5wlgk6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]"Operative, what the hell are you doing up there? Aren't you supposed to be a part of a team?"[/i] A voice spoke in the camoflagued figure identified as Unit a51FLwo8641i, as a sea monster and ghost appeared with the group of teenage heroes. The armored figure perched on underside of the T shaped building nodded that he had heard his handler's words. Not answering, he continued to observe the group below him. He had been hanging upside down since the early morning, and now watched the proceedings below him with curiosity. The figures were his age, yet seemed so different than others had had met in the laboratory. [color=aba000]"They are more...vibrant,"[/color] the figure thought, watching as a blonde haired girl zip around the ground in a blur, [color=aba000]"How are they so... alive?"[/color] [color=aba000][i]"Confirm individual, blonde, super speed."[/i][/color] Unit a51FLwo8641i asked his handler taking note of other apparent threats. Normally, individuals were unable to hear or see him if he didn't want them too, but meta-humans were not part of the tests the laboratory ran on him. New factors meant new plans of attack, new plans of escape, all to be formulated on the go. Tilting his helmeted face, Unit a51FLwo8641i zoomed in on the speedster as his handler reported back. [i]"Records indicate that the speedster is one Jesse Quick. Child of two other superheroes, designated leader of the group. Similar kit to you Unit a51FLwo8641i, but lacks psionic powers,[/i]" The gruff voice said as Unit a51FLwo8641i heard a lighter flick over the comm, [i]"Remember kid. your here for a reason. Go on down, make some friends"[/i]