Name: Thalia Maheras Age: 21 (in reality it is 80) Sex: Female Spices: Time Dragon Appearance: [hider=True Form][img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Human Form] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Has an attitude, and is a rebel, thinks she is better than everyone else. Loves money. Abilities/skills: While in her true form, her body and age are constantly shifting between past, present and future, changing what abilities she has, she has two different breath weapons, one that shoots out energy, the other can age people a few years. She also can fly and can use her claws, tail, and teeth as weapons. While in her human form, she is amazing at making alcoholic beverages, she can also go into a sort of Hybrid form in which she has access to both her breath weapons and causes her to sprout her wings out to fly. Occupation: Bartender Occupation based on beast: Protector, a lot of people have called upon her to protect their homes and treasure, she only asks for the amount of money that her clients can pay. Strengths: She has really tough skin that is hard to penetrate. Weakness: She is a hot head. If you get her angry, she won’t think about what she is doing and charge straight in. Extreme cold is also strong against her while she is in both forms, anything below 0 degrees F. She is weaker when she is on the ground instead of in the air. Her constant temporal shifting is also a hit or miss on whether it is a strength or weakness. History: When she was a young dragon, she lived with her parents. They were protectors of history, and wouldn’t let anything change that. While she was growing up, Thalia always wondered what was so important about history, why did it need to never change. At the age of 40, she jumped into the time stream, and explored the human realm. She was drawn to it, and her father went after her, trying to bring her home. They spent the next 30 years running around the planet. Her mother joined in, but Thalia argued with them about going home. She told them that if she was going to help protect history one day, she had to learn about the humans, and maybe live among them. Her father could see that she was no longer the young juvenile who had left their home 3 decades before. Her mother was outraged; she wanted her daughter home, now. Thalia was about to take off again, when her father stepped in. He had never stood up to her mother before, but he pointed out her logic and reasoning. All time dragons went to the human realm at some point in their life to observe them, Tempus wasn’t a wyrmiling anymore, and she had to make her own choices. Her mother thought, and eventually agreed to it. Thalia has been living with the humans (and not being chased by angry dragons) for 10 years now. She has never stayed in the same place for very long, otherwise people would question why she never seemed to grow older. She has come to care a little about the humans, and still wonders how they seem to have avoided destruction for so long.