[hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=fff79a]David Lawson[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/9ee96a07e08249d6e571aec6f39c8156/tumblr_nwbnkdZg2a1saweyxo1_540.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Grimm HS: Gym [b]Interacting With:[/b] Anyone who bothers to look at him: Marc & Ashley [hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b][@Charnobylisk] [@Nallore][/center][hr] Scuffed up well worn cow boy boots slipped out of a vehicle in the parking lot of Grimm High School near the gymnasium. The door closed heavy on the old [url=http://www.blueovaltrucks.com/resources/images/F-Series/1982_F-150.jpg]Ford F-150[/url] as the boot heels scraped across the ground. The man that stepped out of the truck stood tall, with broad shoulders and walked as if he was a soldier. He wasn't he was a Marine, there was vast difference. Granted the way he carried himself was the only thing that gave him away. His blonde hair was longer than what most Marines wore and he was not dressed in uniform; wearing a simple pair of fitted faded blue jeans and a black s-shirt beneath his sport coat. Adjusting his belt he clipped his keys to the belt loop and looked around the grounds of the high school with his baby blue eyes. Rubbing his chin slightly he wondered if this was the best place to do this but after all this time did he really want to wait any longer? There really was no good time to what he needed to; might as well get it over with. He wondered if he would be welcome back. Granted he wasn't from Grimm and didn't attend high school here but at least one person he needed to track down was and the one that was at the top of his list was supposed to be coordinating the event. [center][b][color=fff79a]One Year Ago...[/color][/b][/center] "One successful extraction, one failed sir," a man stated into the com as the helicopter took off into the air over the deserts of Afghanistan and the crew secured everything into place for the ride out. On the floor of the back of the whirly bird a man who was bloodied with baby blue eyes sat with one knee pulled to his chest, his arm draped over it as he stared at a picture; running his fingers over the face of a woman that could hardly be made out anymore even if you knew her. He left out a long breath as he just continued to stare at it. Someone tried to talk to him but he didn't respond, even as the medic started to patch up the numerous bleeding wounds on his face, arms, back and chest. "Gunny!" one of the men finally bellowed and the man looked up. "Lawson, you okay?" the man that had bellowed asked and he nodded; folding the picture back up and slipping it into the waistband of his ragged pants that had probably been the only pair he had worn the last four years. They were caked in blood, dirt and other things; stiff and frayed at the knees. [color=fff79a]"I'm good. Thank you for the extraction Captain,"[/color] Lawson said in a steely voice. "Surprised you have a photo still left on you," the Captain said as the medic continued to patch up the gunny. [color=fff79a]"That and my wedding band are the only things I have left,"[/color] he said as he looked out to the night sky as he watched as a drone strike hit the place that had been [i]home[/i] for the last four years. Resting his head back against the cold steel his jaw tightened some. [color=fff79a]"How long?"[/color] "Couple hours to the Carrier, then who knows. Don't worry, you'll be back before you know it." [color=fff79a]"Not soon enough but at this point any moment is better than never."[/color] The Captain could only nod in agreement. Lawson had been through the depths of hell over the last four years being a POW but he had somehow managed to survive, he though felt like he had failed since one ended up being left behind. Sometimes in life there are matters beyond your control that you must live with. To Lawson, the only thing he could do is try to learn to live with this one and keep marching forward. That is what a Marine does. Semper Fi. [center][b][color=fff79a]Present Day[/color][/b][/center] His fingers wrapped around the handle of the door to the gym and he swung it open, stepping in and glancing around. The place seemed to be pretty packed right then but from vibe of the gym was anything but a relaxed party. The general air caused him to arch a brow as started to walk slowly; seemingly to be looking for someone or something. If anyone looked at him he would give them a bright welcoming smile and say something like [color=fff79a]"Howdy"[/color] or [color=fff79a]"Afternoon Ma'am"[/color] as he gave a respectful nod of his head. After a moment of looking it was clear that who or whatever he was searching for wasn't there right then. Then his eyes fell on two familiar faces and he grinned to himself. If anyone knew where to find his Bella, it would be those two. Marc and Ashley were standing together and seemed to be talking to each other as well as perhaps some others, well at least one other. [color=82ca9d]"Thanks Riley, you look as wonderful as ever,"[/color] he said to her before looking back over to Ashley and waiting for an answer to exactly where Ada was. Placing his fingers to either side of his lips Lawson let out a loud short whistle before yelling out over the crowd. [color=fff79a]"Squid! You're out of uniform!"[/color] Marc froze when he heard the voice and snapped his head around, his jaw going slack and his skin nearly going white as if he had just seen a ghost. Lawson chuckled and rolled his shoulders back as he stood there at parade rest, clasping his hand in front of him; giving Marc a moment to really regain his senses. Marc blinked a few times, half slapping Ash on the shoulder and motioning over to the Marine. [color=82ca9d]"Ash... I think I am hallucinating," [/color] he muttered as Lawson finally stepped over to the two. He smiled at the two of them and gave a bit of an brow raise as Marc started to pace around him and eventually pushed his index finger into the shoulder of Lawson. [color=82ca9d]"Holy shit, the Jarhead lives."[/color] Marc was still in a bit of shock and it caused Lawson to chuckled a bit before the both of them gave each other a strong bro hug and pats on the back. [color=fff79a]"Good to see you too Marc,"[/color] Lawson said as the two released each other. Lawson looked over towards Ashley and bowed slightly to her. [color=fff79a]"Miss Cunningham, you look as stunning as ever,"[/color] he said warmly in his thick Carolina accent. [color=82ca9d]"How, when? I know why but damn man, explain!"[/color] Marc explained. [color=fff79a]"Report I can give - IED, captured, extracted a year ago, been in De-brief until last week. Went home, no one was there. Found out about the reunion and figured that I would find her here,"[/color] Lawson quickly informed Marc. Marc nodded, knowing that if Lawson wasn't saying anything else it either A; wasn't needed or B; couldn't be said in the presence of civilians. Glancing around Lawson still wasn't seeing what he was looking for. [color=fff79a]"Marc, where is my wife? Where is Ada?"[/color]