[@Mirrodin] Good joke, as a matter of fact the real story is picking up speed, whether or not it belongs to me is a moot point, because at the end of the day it will always be my story. In fact you weren't the first person I talked to about it, Alex was the first one I rambled the spiel about all the Archon's to, and he actually made an Archon of Time, Rolak, rather, Nomenth is yours true but the main skeleton was all created by me. Shame you don't have the [I]Leviathan[/I] in this AU spinoff though, taking the hub and turning it into a shrine is a kind of neat idea. Do you know about the hub? That was later lore, it was a nexus point for all the dimensions formed Ragnarok's artificial one. Oh man you don't even know about The Observer or The Cycle do you? Man we oughta catch up some time.