[color=00aeef]8[/color] Tal raised an eyebrow at the amount of enthusiasm just rolling off of the two men. Owen looked between the two groups, rubbing his chin in amusement. When the awkward silence went on for much too long, he cleared his throat and straightened up. “Well, then. It seems as if these two are ready and raring to go, Tal. What d’you think? Can you handle a bunch of energetic youngsters like these two?” Tal turned his bemused gaze to Owen, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. “[color=00a651]You say that as if I’m anywhere near as old as you[/color],” he commented. Then he took a deep breath and let it out, looking over the two hopeful gazes. “[color=00a651]Well[/color],” he began. He paused to think. “[color=00a651]Hang on.[/color]” He stepped out of the shop, pulling his communicator from his pocket. He slid it open and dialed the ship. “Good evening, Sparrow Transport Services, how may I - This is Tal, isn’t it?” The young man chuckled. “[color=00a651]Hi, Rei.[/color]” “Yo. What’s the news?” Tal looked back over his shoulder briefly and then turned away again. “[color=00a651]So, they’re all packed and ready to come aboard. Are you ready for them?[/color]” There was a flustered round of noises before the man answered. “Well, I - I guess so. Can you stall them for… Maybe another half an hour?” “[color=00a651]Even if I stalled for half an hour, you’re not going to be ready, are you?[/color]” “N-n-no, I’ll be ready. I just… Uh… I just… Just a little time to… Stuff?” Tal laughed. “[color=00a651]Well, you’ll have at least half an hour because they still need to check out of the hotel. Please be at least semi-ready by then.[/color]” “Right. Okay. Anything else?” “[color=00a651]No, that’s all for now. I’ll see you in a bit.[/color]” “See you in a bit…” Tal slid his communicator shut and walked back into the shop. He clasped his hands in front of him and looked at Aster and Lotus. “[color=00a651]It looks like almost every thing’s ready. I’ll walk you to the hotel and help with your things, is that all right?[/color]”