So to be completely transparent, I'm currently waiting a few days to hear word from Lexicon on what to do regarding our mostly complete collab. And since it seems that most people are kinda waiting around for stuff and things, I think it's time for another round of super best pals questions! Get psyched! [center][h3]ROUND THREE!![/h3] [sub]A.K.A. ROUND YOU THOUGHT I FORGOT THIS BIT!![/sub][/center] [b]Question 1![/b] [i]Let's talk about posts, baby, let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about brainstorming new posts and let's see how to stop the waiting. Let's talk about posts, let's talk about posts, let's talk about post, let's talk about post.[/i] Uh, sorry, okay, so who is working on stuff and who wants help working on stuff? [b]Question 2![/b] Okay, so we talked books, we talked movies, so let's talk about music. What's your latest earworm and why are you not more embarrassed that you listen to that pop shit, I mean, I know it's good but don't you realize to appear cool you have to hate T. Swift even though she makes [i]amazing[/i] tunes? Have you been to any concerts lately? Really, you gave them money? You ever play any music? No, I mean besides that shitty plastic recorder thing they give you in second grade to play Hot Crossed Buns on. Hell, give me a Top 5 list. Everybody loves lists.