[img]https://i.imgur.com/OvnUnST.png[/img] Kat gave them a rundown on the information she had found. Eddie was glad that while Adrian seemed jumpy and Lancer seemed to have a bone to pick with everyone and everything around him she was at the very least professional and competent. He gave her a small nod of approval, [b][color=A3A3A3]"Good find Kat... I hope it's alright if I call you Kat instead of 'Ms. Shepard', it may be our first day on the job, but I hope we can all get along."[/color][/b] He gave the group his grin, which Lancer might have described as 'shit-eating', but most would describe as friendly. In the same breath that he finished his sentence Lancer went out to destroy any hope of a health group dynamic. Eddie has observed him staring down Kat, and when she asked what exactly the reason for that was he responded in a way that was somewhere between smug and outright hostile. [i][b][color=A3A3A3]So, not angry at me? Maybe he's having a bad day? Or... well, maybe he's just an ass.[/color][/b][/i] Eddie noted to himself. Kat responded in kind. She returned his smugness, but Eddie was less inclined to chide her for it- after all, it had been Lancer (According to Kat his name was Lancer, Eddie now knew), that had instigated it. Eddie sighed mentally, refusing to let his frustration show, keeping his smile on his face and hoping to defuse the situation. Eddie played the role of mediator- he was adept at it, or the very least thought himself to be, after having spent many years as a police officer. Responding to arguments about to get out of hand was a very regular occurrence when he was a beat cop, back before he was a detective. Eddie cleared his throat, hoping to interject before Lancer got his next word in, [b][color=A3A3A3]"Lancer, there's no need for hostility. Let's all get along, alright."[/color][/b] His smile grew, something that just might piss off Lancer even more. In fact he didn't really prove to be mush of a mediator after all. He [i]might[/i] have just made the situation, although he didn't know that. He turned towards Kat, [b][color=A3A3A3]"That sounds like a good idea. You guys can go check out the library and the clerks office after we talk to Mrs. Smith, but I think I'll stick around and try to get some information out of her. I was a detective so I've got a little experience working a witness- er, well, Mrs. Smith isn't a witness, but you get my meaning."[/color][/b] He said. He was really hoping that some glib remark wasn't about to come out of Lancer's mouth, but that probably wasn't the case.