[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Celia%20Honey&name=CivityFG.ttf&size=80&style_color=F0C5D1[/img][/center] 5.30am found Celia Honey on the jog she took every morning. Since she’d come back from her parents’ house, she’d had no choice but to force herself out of bed in the morning; she couldn’t rely on her mother to do it anymore. It was strange to get up and see herself in the mirror. For a year, she’d been a pale and skinny individual with straggly blonde hair and roots that reached her ears. Now, when she looked in the mirror she started to see the colour creeping back into her face, her hair had been dyed back to the honey and caramel shades that she favoured, and that she’d paid through the teeth for. Once again, her cheeks were pink and her eyes were starting to sparkle. She still wasn’t 100% herself, but she would be there eventually. Once she dragged herself out of bed, Celia slipped on her shorts, sports bra and running shoes and, for an hour, she was gone and running. Her route usually took her around the block a few times and past the juice bar on the way home. Today, on her first day back to work, with her mind on the day ahead, Celia lost track of where she was heading. Her feet made their own way across the pavement and she soon found herself in a neighbourhood she found unpleasantly familiar. Staring up at the house that she’d spent some of what she saw as her happiest years and the first few of her worst months, before they’d sold the house and she’d moved out of it. Celia had kicked Charlie out the day she’d discovered him with Miss Sports Illustrated. Standing there, she felt a sudden chill come over her and suddenly wished she’d worn her hoodie. She folded her arms and sighed, turning on her heels and taking off the way she’d come, at twice the speed. Walking into her flat, Celia went straight to her fridge, pulling out the half empty bottle of wine that she’d left there last night and put it to her lips, swigging half of the liquid that was left. She rested her head on the top of her refrigerator and set the bottle on the side, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. The sweet taste of the wine remained on her tongue; the burning in the back of her throat was a pleasant tickle accompanied by an equally hot feeling of shame. She spent twenty minutes brushing her teeth; she didn't want to take the chance of someone smelling the wine on her breath. --- It had been too long since she had been back here. Come to think of it, however, she’d probably spent too much time here as it was, but she’d missed the place like crazy. She missed the halls and the classrooms. She walked down the hallway, peering into several of the classroom, trying to find any familiar faces. She pulled at the hem of her [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=114718665]pale pink top [/url], the neck of which was just high enough to be acceptable yet low enough to be flattering. She wore tight black trousers with it, and delicate pink heels that clicked on the floor as she wondered through the halls. She nervously pulled the back of her top down and adjusted her necklace before walking into the staffroom. Unsure of who she was about to be confronted by, she peered around the room and smiled when her eyes fell on the first familiar face in the room. “Hayden!” She greeted him, moving across the room to hug the gentleman. "Whoa, what a surprise. Nice to know you're back, Celia; everyone's missed their favourite counsellor. How's everything? Better now? Never mind, we can talk afterwards over a nice bottle of wine... or whiskey. I prefer the latter." He offered her a cookie from the plate she was holding before hugging her back. “Hey, girls.” She smiled and offered a wave to Acacia and Rayne, unsure of whether the two of them would remember her. She noticed that there was someone in the room behind her and turned to see a teacher she didn’t recognize; he was either new this year or last, and considering he seemed to be quite comfortable in his surroundings, she’d hazard a guess at last year. Walking over, she held out her hand and offered one of her usual, thousand-watt [url=http://static.tumblr.com/1pzredx/uOAmdbnsb/gracegif__3_.gif]smiles.[/url] “Um, hey, I’m Celia. Celia Honey. I don’t believe we’ve met.”