[color=MediumOrchid][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Freya%20Beauchamp%20-%20Gif%2001_zpsyt5kliz5.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zaleI39.gif[/img] [h2]The Moors ~ Fairy Tale World[/h2][/center] “..do not dare to patronize me, Jafar…” Already he was growing on her last nerve... his words on once again needing to hire new servants causing her head to tilt lightly to the side, and her soft pink lips pursing ever so slightly as she continued to stare lazily into the goblet she held precariously within her hand; the bright red liquid held within swirling around ever so gently as she took a few moments to herself, doing all that she could to sort through the thoughts that seemed to so clearly be plaguing her mind, before she even bothered to give any sign that she planned on making a move from where it was that she sat lounged within her throne- her darkened eyes watching on for only a few moments longer as she continued to swirl the liquid before finally, she slowly lifted her attention, her intense gaze meeting with his own, “..I do not care if you hold favor within my court or not; I am in no mood for your snide remarks, nor am I here for your personal amusement…” Finally relaxing the grip that she had around the goblet of wine that she had been nursing ever since she had called it to her hand not moments before he had entered, she allowed it to slip away and through her fingers, her other hand clasping around the fragment of mirror as the rather unmistakable sound of metal clanging against the floor echoed out through the throne room as she stood herself up from where she had been sitting, her arms swinging lightly by her sides in time with the gentle rhythm of her hips as she began to pace back and forth, as though the action would help to calm her nerves, or give her some piece of mind, however they both knew that it had never once before helped to calm her emotions in the past… why in the world would she have believed it to be any different now, “..if this is the only reason as to why you are here- I swear to the Gods, Jafar…” Stopping still as she felt the cool glass pressing against the palm of her hand, she came to a complete stop, lifting her hand and opening her fingers from around the fragment so that she could get a better look at it- Cilla’s mirror was something that was rarely ever let out of her sight… something that was more precious to her than anything in the world, just as the trunk full of memories resting in her bedchambers was to her… nevertheless, it did seem that he had gone out of his way to please her. Things had not exactly gone to plan… she had already been annoyed during her little trip to visit her brother on his ship; it was the very reason that she had stolen away with his hat in the first place. She had gone to visit him with all intent on telling him what it was that she had hidden- to finally explain to him what it was that had her in such high spirits over this past month; but it had all shattered around her the moment that he had laid eyes on her. He wasn’t happy with how she had turned out, the way that she chose to live her life- the revenge, the heartache, the manipulation… his little sister all but lost in a world that the both of them had been thrown into. She had been wanting to get her hands on this for a while now… her sights set upon it for as long as she had been keeping her secret from the both of them, however, much unlike the Sultan who stood in front of her, she wouldn’t have been so delicate in her methods. Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly as she caught sight of the swirling grayish mist appearing in the shard she held in her palm, she took a moment before finally, she let her attention glide back over to where he stood watching, her fingers once again curling around the mirror as she brought it back down to her side. “..you have my attention; not to mention, have earned points in my eyes for what you have done… nevertheless, if you expect my gratitude, then you shall be waiting quite some time; perhaps even, eternity…” Turning her head to the side, she lifted her free hand up to adjust the large hat she wore upon her head, her long dark locks falling down over her shoulders, “..oh; if you are planning on staying with me this night… brace yourself; I do believe we shall be entertaining a guest tonight…” [/color]