[center][hr][hr][h1][color=7bcdc8][b]FAUNA FONTAINE[/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9u1bCzk.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] main hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] [@HaleyTheRandom] shawn, [@lovely complex] tate, [@Fabricant451] nicoletta & luisa, observing [@flightless-angel-castiel] kitt & will [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/46/4b/2d464bf683faceda5b60dc9af768f354.jpg]CURRENTLY WEARING[/url] [hr][/center][hr]Fauna was just giggling, quite pleased with herself, at Shawn's futile reaction speed when Tis stood up and made herself known. Oh, shoot, this was the first time Fauna realised that they were doing introductions, having blocked out all of her surroundings otherwise. Not quite the type to watch others who weren't interacting with her immediately, she didn't bother trying to recall those who'd already spoken, and instead kept her eyes on the slender figure of the Green leader. She wasn't the one to begin their team introductions, though - that job seemed to have been passed on to those Norwegian-surnamed (or whatever, Fauna thought) twins, ever the rambunctious duo. Tis interrupted in time to give her little barely decipherable spiel, which Fauna had to lean forward and squint at in order to understand it even slightly. She did laugh again, the haunting tune of her voice filling the air, as Tis introduced the aforementioned twins as "Frik and Frak." Whatever that meant. She couldn't help the cracking up that followed Finn and Erik's back-and-forth tradeoff of code whispering, and sat back with her hand over her mouth so as not to interrupt. It was just [i]so[/i] hard not to pity them, being placed with this duty. Four years and even Fauna was unable to grasp everything Atlantis said. They were over with it soon enough, though, and onto their own personal intros, and she nodded appreciatively, sitting forward again like she was backing up her team nonverbally. The nodding slowed, however, when they chose to confuse everyone in the room over who was who, which one of them was which twin, whatever. Fauna didn't really care, but if she looked close enough, she thought the sweeps in their hair were going in opposite directions. Something to differentiate them by, but she still didn't know who was Fin and who was Erik in the first place, which made things pretty difficult. She made a resolution to just give the fuck up within seconds. The slightly overwhelmed voice of Nathan reached her, and Fauna suddenly leapt up, looking far more excited to see a fellow Greener than he was about her. Slightly offended, she arched an eyebrow at him, then slowly answered his question. [color=7bcdc8][b]"M-[i]hm[/i], lovely, but you should be more concerned about..."[/b][/color] She stared at his back as he retreated. Apparently her answer was satisfactory enough. Her hand hung in the air, having just stuck it out to gesture towards Nicoletta whom she'd nearly informed him of, before falling back to her side. [color=7bcdc8][b]"You know,"[/b][/color] she began, plopping back down into her seat beside the newcomer, [color=7bcdc8][b]"...he really makes me feel like a princess, always listening closely and intently."[/b][/color] Fauna's tone was mocking being taken with the twin, but her expression read otherwise, one corner of her lip raised in something of a scowl. In response to his cold shoulder, she made a point to look terribly bored by his introduction that came a few moments later. Partially to earn maybe a lick of laughter from the newbie, but that was nothing relevant. Her gaze landed on Adielle, barely visible from across the room, who had already grouped herself with the Grey team. Unsurprisingly so, considering her brother (step-, maybe?) was part of the group, but still, Fauna had to resist the urge to beckon the blonde over like she had with Nate. She didn't expect Adi's introduction, but the stray Green stood up abruptly while Fauna was still paying close attention, and her cute little pageant-queen intro earned an entertained smile from the Parisian. She hollered in encouraging agreement once Adielle had forced out that tame little ending, at least tame in comparison to her outburst from earlier (which, Fauna opined, was totally warranted; like, who is so mindless with their board?) before quickly quieting down, allowing some silence for others to go on and introduce themselves. Her eyes went to Nicoletta as if to give her that last push to speak, only to find that the new face was focused on Adi, too. She smiled half-knowingly, half-inquisitively, hazarding a [i]will she, won't she?[/i] type of curious expression before forcing it away so as not to disturb Nicole in what seemed to be a very focused state. Adielle was obviously gorgeous, she didn't blame Nico for giving her well-deserved attention. What she didn't expect, though, was the pause between Nicoletta standing up and speaking, and the speaking turning into stammering and the stammering being almost incomprehensible. Fauna waited for more, nudging an elbow against Nico's thigh while she stood like it'd do anything to help out, but the Italian was already giving up and dropping down to hide her face. Fauna widened her eyes slightly, concerned, before briskly clapping her hands. [color=7bcdc8][b]"HEAR THAT? We've got an [I]ITALIAN[/i]. That's Ni-co-let-ta Sor-i-an-o, if you didn't catch it,"[/b][/color] she bragged, promptly jerking her chin up at every face in the room as if to place more emphasis on her words. She stood up with calculated grace, using Nicoletta's hunched shoulder as leverage, and cleared her throat for an invisible spotlight. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Fauna Fontaine, [i]Parisien,[/i] green team pride, been here four whole years, so on-and-so-forth; if you don't want your pastries in the mess hall, give them to me and I might kiss you."[/b][/color] She spoke in a comically mechanical voice, then curtsied with an invisible dress before dropping into a cross-legged, sitting princess position. She may have had a bit of a flair for the dramatic. It was easy to ignore every other overdone introduction when she heard the sound of a sax from outside, just a brief tease of the instrument, before two familiar figures came bursting through the door and music erupted throughout the room. Fauna knew both of them. She'd been the one to jump on them almost immediately when they first arrived, simply because she'd misunderstood things and thought they were Green teamers, too, but didn't care very much anyway when she discovered the Demersons were actually part of the Grey pack. Mostly because she found the younger of them so [i]darn cute it wasn't even funny.[/i] She had a habit of flirting with everyone she met, obviously even going so far as to offer her affection in exchange for bread in her introduction, but that tendency was lessened once she'd spent some time with Tate. Luisa didn't give her much leeway to do so, though, and it was the absolute [i]pits.[/i] She couldn't bring herself to hate the female sibling, though. Lu had that radiant hair, radiant smile, radiant everything that made it hard to dislike her, even if just for shallow reasons. So, Fauna was smiling when they made their way through the room, making sure to grace every gathering of different colours with their exuberant presence. She was almost jealous of each one that got passed before Green, and was so enthralled by them - by [i]him,[/i] really, however ridiculous it felt to admit - that she didn't notice the certain individuals being given more attention than others. It became apparent, though, once Tate personally approached her team that he was focused on her, or maybe it was her eyes playing tricks on her. Fauna decided on the latter because [color=7bcdc8][i]Christ[/i][/color] he was out of her league, and she shouldn't be entertaining any tempting thoughts that he might notice her, and she felt silly for feeling so self-conscious around some random boy. But it seemed like he never looked away, and Fauna knew even she wasn't so disillusioned that she could make that up. She looked a bit like a deer in headlights, gazing back with wider, more vulnerable eyes, engaged with his lighter-hued gaze. She felt like goddamn Daisy Fay seeing Gatsby again, however corny the reference was; or maybe it was the other way around, because she felt the need to decorate the area around her with flowers and gold accents in order to redeem herself. No time for that, though. He was moving closer, and beneath the sound of the beating drum and Luisa's skilled playing, Fauna was laughing enchantedly, more of a sighing sound than much else. Even the cutesy trick he pulled with his drumstick bouncing down and back up like a frisbee couldn't distract her from his face, pale-featured and sharply angled and slightly devious, like that was just his natural expression. The wink was all he left her with, in the end, and Fauna accepted the gesture gratefully, her parted lips fluttering in one last smile before she leaned back against the couch again. She looked like she'd just witnessed Tate build the Earth out of nothing, although really all it was was a percussionist showing off. Nevertheless, she shot an amazed look at the black-haired girl beside her, mouthing [i]did you just see that?[/i] as if it wasn't blatantly obvious. Something about keeping her eyes on Tate, almost phasing out the sound of the music, kept her from being too badly overstimulated - thank God she'd taken her medication recently, or else she'd have started doing that gross violent trembling she was wont to right in front of the male Demerson. That wouldn't exactly have been a compliment to their music. Evidently, Fauna was too busy replaying the scene in her head to focus on what happened in the moments following, like how Tate quickly switched attention to a newbie joining his team, or how Luisa was oddly the one left to complete their little routine (strangely, it hadn't occurred to her that they were different in ages - the two bonded so damn well you could say they were twins). When he addressed everyone, however, Fauna was applauding gently as if she was from grey team herself. She already knew his name, 'course she did, but it was always nice to hear it again, because she didn't get to have necessarily long conversations with either of the Demerson kids. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Three years,"[/b][/color] she tacked on quietly, answering for anyone who actually did care how long he'd been here, and smiled, feeling quite dizzy for the time being. She was shaken from the daze when Luisa spoke up again, though, and Fauna found herself jealous of that girl with her luxurious hair and confident personality and her grunge-chic fashion sense. This was only emphasized when Lu went off in some playful-hateful tangent, and it kind of reminded her of the drummer (how ironic) from Scott Pilgrim. Very nice, in her opinion. Her suggestive implications were a little less nice, but they were so utterly Luisa that Fauna breathed out another stream of laughter, just soft enough to let the other girl's voice be heard loud and clear as it was. She was ready to move past the siblings (well, somewhat) once it seemed the redhead was done and seated by some other Grey, but then Lu had another announcement to make. Fauna's shoulders bunched up in something of a flinch when she heard her full name spoken so sharply. [i]Super in love.[/i] That was an exaggeration, surely. She sort of scoff-laughed and looked round at those surrounding her, unsure if she should respond directly or shut up. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Very mature, Lulu!"[/b][/color] she shot back hastily, almost quickly enough to cut her off, but only just. She thanked God that someone could move on with things much more easily than her, and her gaze flicked over coolly to a Pink she recognised easily as Kitt - wouldn't have to, considering he was introducing himself in a very unique way, but still. He was dragging it on, but she caught on to every way he said Demersons or directly targeted the brother, and arched an eyebrow inquisitively at Kitt. Seems like someone got a little riled up by fun and games. Hey, he should be thankful, she reasoned - it's not like the siblings were doing anything more than entertaining, eh? Usually, they had a strong business tactic of making people pay up, so this was even more generous. She appreciated the Red who stood up next a little more, though, noting the encouraging words he gave to brother and sister with a pleased smile. Apparently not even the dramatic kick of the chair he punctuated his intro with made her impression waver, because Fauna had decided fairly quickly that this kid would be under her wing. Really, though, she needed to get over her habit of nursing even the newbies outside of her own team. [center][hr][hr][h1][color=aliceblue][b]FOX BELLAMIA[/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/c0413507f4eacfb7c78ef2c78db5b65d/tumblr_ntsuknQVKj1u1f3j8o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] main hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] no one in particular - nonverbally, alex [@reiko] nate [@HushedWhispers] emilie [@Lockerz] [url=http://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Arthur-Gosse-HM-Spring-Summer-2015-05-620x916.jpg]CURRENTLY WEARING[/url] [hr][/center][hr] Fox had a talent of tuning his surroundings out whenever things weren't focused on him. That's likely why he didn't take any real surprise from everything going on, as exciting as they were; for one, he really could not care less about [i]anything ever[/i], and two, all of this was getting old. Belligerent, big-headed kids who thought they were hot shit in some camp that only let them exist in the spotlight each summer, they all acted the same. Enter with some dramatic flair, start shouting about how they [i]love the team, they're like family, how could they exist without them?[/i] Fox personally knew exactly how things would go if the Blue team dropped dead as a whole leave for him (wonder precisely how that happened). He'd breathe, drink, maybe eat occasionally; you know, normal human functions. Honestly, he deemed it unhealthy how these kids seemed to depend on their teammates so much, and exclude those who didn't fit in the same social circle. Wasn't that a little conservative? Holding kids in one group with people they were similar to, fitting them into a box that supposedly defined their personality to a point, didn't that keep the campgoers from evolving via spending time around opposing forces? Fox couldn't give a shit whether they were making progress in character or not, but he could recognise when this place wasn't exactly serving its intended purpose. All this was probably why he looked so scornful when people continued flooding the doorway, and the only face he noted that didn't kill his mood entirely was that of a little blonde from Pink. Nessa was particularly obedient, easy to get along with because she complimented everyone so easily, a sort of human one-size-fits-all. Which isn't to say he was friends with her. Ness didn't always follow his swaying if it violated her personal dignity or any of [i]her[/i] friendships, which resulted in him throwing something of a hissy fit. He never claimed to be a very good person, to be fair. When she entered with Holden, then, his brow furrowed in something of possessive frustration, coldly watching them go the same way and take respective seats. Seemed like it wouldn't be as easy to separate her and make himself into a deity again. Whatever - Fox put it out of his mind for now. Not even the fight interested him. He tuned out, let the moment pass and everyone who needed a break from something that wasn't even a big [i]deal[/i] exit, waiting for someone who actually caught his fancy. That's the thing about Fox - he couldn't dominate a room until there was a proper individual to feed off of, someone to convince he was more than he was. Just the right face appeared in the door then, and he knew her as spoiled-princess Alex. All right, in all fairness, she deserved a lot more than "spoiled princess," considering how much more complex Novak could be, but Fox had a way of seeing only the advantages people could offer him. He had deduced that Alex had an attractive amount of wealth circulating through her family back at home - or, at least, enough to give the girl the entitled sense of self that most well done by kids got - and she was popular among the camp. Much more popular among his own team. Even more popular in the eyes of the team leader. [i]Jesus,[/i] was that a winning combo of traits. Fox immediately shifted his features from hate-consumed to pleasant and charming, playing up his charisma as usual, when he realised she could see him, too, and pretended to be preoccupied by his phone like those around him were. Would be creepy to just stare, after all. He'd pursued her in the past, had been for a while, and knew full well that he wasn't exactly successful with it. In fact, Alex seemed to have a very particular distaste for Fox - it was like she could see through him and had formed very distinct opinions about him, at least in comparison to how everyone else felt about him. While others who had negative feelings about Fox might view him as a self-possessed little monster (which wasn't totally untrue), Alex was intuitive enough to recognise that there were some literal antisocial traits scattered throughout his character. He was trying desperately to erase that realisation now, and the only way he knew how was by mirroring those around him, scrolling through some random social media feed and smiling like he'd just been told some hilarious joke. Fox was mostly just praying that the rest of Blue actually came to their designated area, seeing as he'd gotten there first and that ran the chance of scaring off the rest of his team, should they find him here. Lucky for him, not only Alex appeared in time, but Sunny, too, (hey, he didn't mind extra audience members) and he silently observed their catch up scene whilst pretending to be enveloped by his cell. In any case, introductions were starting, and he pieced together his own opinions in much less depth than he usually would have. Frankly, he knew most of these people, so in his mind the only deserved half of a dismissive thought. [i]Thanks, Danny[/i], he thought cynically once the Oliver-proclaimed "douche" spoke up to start their intros, before turning to Audrey. How geeky. You'd think she would keep her technological obsession a secret, but apparently these kids had no shame. Twins were equally as boring, but he appreciated the honourable mention Nathan gave to his team. Fox smirked, looking rather smug at the admission, and then nodded at Nate agreeably before the twin took his seat again. He couldn't uphold the pleasant look for very long, though, because the two girls (two? When had Em appeared?) before him were hissing comments to one another, not as nicely as he'd anticipated them to be. Jesus, their mood took a turn, and he couldn't even gauge why from the slight distance between them combined with their hushed voices. They didn't stay quiet for long, though, and Fox's eyebrow rose in curiosity at the tone both of them had adopted. Seemed like one had overstepped some boundaries. They hushed again, though, once the blonde lowered her voice and began uttering something still indiscernible. When physical attacks were being thrown, though, Fox didn't hide the fact that he was listening anymore; he turned his head to watch, both eyebrows raised in a deeply unimpressed expression. Yikes. Chair on the floor, two upset girls, and a stray Fox made for a rather confusing looking situation. He realised how easily he could be implicated into this mess and sat back on his hands, looking innocuous as ever. Em's recovery was smoother than he could ever call himself, though, and he looked vaguely interested when she stood to make her introduction, pressing his hand up under his chin like he was watching a movie. He half-smiled, only one corner of his mouth rising, when she sat again, and something in him hinted that maybe he shouldn't look so entertained 'cos maybe this really was a sensitive situation. He retained the look, though, and nodded something akin to a respectful [i]nice one, kid,[/i] before deciding it was none of his business whatever caused the hissy fit between her and Alex. Right - maybe he was a little curious, but he was fully aware that he wasn't close enough to Parker to ask. Some things were meant to stay out of his knowledge, truly. Like the name of whatever pissy Red teamer stood up next. He rolled his eyes at Math's tough guy act, but didn't bother speaking up about it. Felt like if he did he'd just get called a skid mark or something, if Mathius liked to keep a theme about his insults. Jackson was loud, lovestricken, and not surprising at all to Fox, followed by whoever had captured him - Aisling. Ash, whatever. He found her pretty boring by comparison to the more hostile boy. Even more boring was the Grey and Green-not-Pink who stood next, almost in unison, and evidently close to one another, seeing as they seemed to comfort the other after Jackson's brashness. Another green, but even more unintelligible, came next, and he didn't care to even try and pick apart whatever she'd said - the twins from the same team were next, though, and he leaned back in semi-exasperation when they took turns in speaking. How typical. When Nessa spoke, though, he sat forward again, acting like she was the most intriguing thing he'd seen all day, and she predictably thanked everyone for their attention. Her introduction was probably the most gracious one thus far, Fox noted, and in this case that said more about her than the rest of the camp. As if he minded enough to humour her, he nodded in greeting to [i]Holden, who says hi.[/i] Still didn't like him, as good an actor as he was. He had a bad taste in his mouth when another Grey team member introduced herself. How awkward. These kids were acting like they were wearing clunky boots 13 sizes too big, and it was more cringey than anything else. Fox was just glad he'd never been that awkward in his life. Another self-proclaimed geek spoke up, and he raised an eyebrow at Audrey before going back to Shawn, unable to hide the twinge of disgust that rose to his features. Strange how proud they were. He'd not even taken notice of the new Purple member who'd been on his phone up until now, but he wasn't taken by the intro either way. "Theodore" was as plain as his name, and, evidently, someone rivalled his plainness: some newbie Green girl, fumbling with her words and looking like she was too scared to even stand. Fox almost agreed with the sweet-faced, cold-hearted Pink girl who got up next, but her wonderful beginning descended into some irrelevant tangent about her team pride. [i]Case of the pathetics[/i]. Remind him to copy that. The Grey leader was quick to shut her up, though, and Fox scoffed offhandedly when his team was insulted. Unnecessary, but expected, so his reaction was subtle. He thought, for a moment, with the interactive touch Ghost made out of his intro, no one could top it, but a very familiar pair of siblings entered, and Fox resisted the urge to straight-up clap his hands over his ears. They didn't have anything for him in terms of self-advancement, as much as they seemed to have perfect lives, so he didn't care for either Tate or Luisa... but they reminded him painfully of his own relationship with his sister. Hell, he even busked like the Demersons did with Anastasia, albeit with a guitar whilst Ana sang. He didn't often feel legitimate emotions, but nothing affected him more than his baby (barely nine months younger) sister and any reminders of her did. So, when they burst through the door with usual style and flair, complimenting each other supernaturally well, Fox couldn't squash the spark of jealousy that came to life in his brain. It seemed to show even through his eyes, pure sapphire orbs growing bright with hatred, before they finally stopped to make fairly juvenile introductions. He ignored them entirely once the music had quieted, though, just to spare himself any grief - besides, no one [i]didn't[/i] already know their names. The auburn haired who went next paled in comparison to them, and seemed to realise it. The self-awareness alone earned a tidbit of respect from Fox, but it immediately disappeared when she so cheesily introduced herself as some kind of token geek. Terrible. Slightly worse was the brief altercation between a Red and Pink - of [i]course[/i] - who settled on letting the Pink go first, sparing the rest of the room. Fox regretted being on the sidelines when that happened, though, 'cos "Kitt" went on for what felt like hours, talking about something like how they should be more [i]considerate[/i] or whatever. Fox rather preferred the way the Red teamer just got on with it, even if he disapproved of the unnecessary chair abuse. Seriously, these kids had raging hormones worse than he'd ever seen before. A proud Puerto Rican recovered the mood of the room somewhat, and if he was the type of person to thank her for it, he likely would - her intro was short, sweet, to the point. Still, Fox didn't even want to go up, but hey, how else could he make himself known? He waited until some pause had formed between his and Will's standing before peeling himself off of the gigantic chair he'd claimed this entire time. He felt almost silly standing, considering he was still a towering figure even whilst sitting, but the added height his gangly legs gave him provided a slightly more dominant presence. Fox held his hands before him, clasping them in front of his hips regally, and gave a smug look to the kids all round prior to speaking. [color=aliceblue][b]"I've not prepared anything special, and I don't think I'm the type to impulsively bully a chair, so don't expect anything."[/b][/color] He basked in the limelight for a moment before continuing, a serene look overlapping his features. [color=aliceblue][b]"Fox Bellamia, and I'm from Blue. Clearly. Here's to hoping we'll host a more... friendly competition this year."[/b][/color] He'd made a far-fetched implication there, almost threatening to not be as friendly as he'd suggested through his frightening tone alone. A sound like that was nothing new from Fox, though, who always spoke like a menace. [center][hr][hr][h1][color=8493ca][b]OLIVER CASH[/b][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/530551546e8edf1a9c5a11392544ccfa/tumblr_n1vx7tUKd61ql56ddo1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] main hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] [@flightless-angel-castiel] kitt, kind of tate & luisa [@lovely complex] [@Fabricant451] observing p much everyone [url=http://cdn.hitfix.com/photos/2961559/bates-motel-freddie-highmore.jpg]CURRENTLY WEARING[/url] [hr][/center][hr] Feeling Kitt move slightly closer set him on edge a little, but Oliver realised this shift was only to tell him something, so he leaned in a bit to reciprocate the movement and hear. He'd apparently changed his mind about disliking the gossip, but only because they were now able to pay attention to the people around them, and this 'Tis' individual was worrying. [color=palevioletred][i]I don’t know much about her because I can’t understand her.[/i][/color] Oliver looked at Kitt like he was insane. She was fairly understandable, in his opinion - well, maybe he was just better at codebreaking. And he was a Californian, too, so some of the [color=palevioletred][i]bullcrap surfer lingo[/i][/color] was already known. The translation from two obviously identical twins wasn't exactly needed by him in particular, but appreciated, and Oli looked to Kitt almost mechanically for his thoughts. When two individuals dedicated themselves to translating another person, it was harder to gauge your own opinion on them; consequently, Oliver would settle for Kitt's thoughts. It seemed Kitt didn't like them much, but Oli appreciated the boyish charm. Kind of. Still a little annoying. [color=8493ca][b]"I know her,"[/b][/color] he breathed swiftly to Kitt, nearly steamrolling the shorter boy's words in his enthusiasm. [color=palevioletred][i]Not as precious as you, but still very precious.[/i][/color] He squinted at Kitt suspiciously, wondering for the umpteenth time why he was being so nice, before distracting himself with Nessa again. [color=8493ca][b]"She gave me a wish."[/b][/color] A dandelion, actually, but he didn't have time to correct himself before she was introducing someone named Holden for him. Kitt's description was fairly vague, but Oli studied the boy curiously, trying to understand exactly what kind of cliche he fit in to. It was odd that Holden was with Nessa, of all people, because from the looks of it and how he seemed to not quite respond to his surroundings, he looked pretty solitary. Oli resisted the urge to come up with some fairytale backstory that made him this way, but one couldn't expect such self-control from Oliver Cash. He studied Holden and decided he must not dress in the same way he was brought up. His secretive-mysterious attitude could be attributed to bad parenting (did they make no attempts to bring him confidence?), or a big family (it explained being sent to a summer camp, honestly), or something related to attention; maybe he was just quiet because he was listening. Oli reminded himself not to be so hypocritical. Jesus, Ariel had a much more biting tongue than he'd expected. His previous short-winded observations of her were crumbling with how quickly she shot at Kitt ([i]Alton?[/i]) and moved on past her rudeness, only to make a hell of an introduction. Slightly awkward, but you could forgive her. [color=palevioletred][i]I think you make them more civil, Oli.[/i][/color] Strange to hear the Pink say his name, and he shuddered away slightly like it was an attack, before registering the words. He disagreed completely. None of this was very civil at all, in his mind, but perhaps he had a weak understanding of how wild things could get here. The intro from someone named Shawn was surprisingly tame - this guy looked quite nice - suppose all 'geeks' are, as Kitt described him - and Oli felt like the room had been finally blessed with someone trustworthy, before another, darker male stood. Oli'd made some quick, biased decisions before, but this was probably the worst as of late: he'd caught sight, even briefly, of the look this boy gave Ash before she disappeared with Jackson, and while he didn't hear the contents of that call, he still didn't quite like the strange attention Aisling received. Unnerved, he barely listened to the pleased sound Kitt made at 'Theodore.' The Pink made up for it with an offhand comment about the kid's fashion sense, though, and Oli quirked a forced smile at him before returning his gaze to the room. He felt sort of bad for... Nicoletta, it sounded like, if he understood any of that mumbling. He was pretty sure that, if he had to give an introduction, he'd be like her. Kitt's story about someone fainting a year prior made his anxiety slightly worse, because that sounded [i]exactly[/i] like something he'd do. Ignoring the image that came to his mind of him falling smack to the ground, he listened to Kitt make up for the comment, slightly reassured in hearing that even Kitt was a little nervous his first time here. The shorter boy was quick to move on, though, and turn his attention to a girl from his own team: Hana. Had to admit, something about her rough intro unsettled Oli, and he looked uncertainly towards Kitt. [color=palevioletred][i]...most favorite bitch...[/i][/color] All right, Kittredge, settle down. He couldn't hide his amusement when he heard Kitt swearing - it just sounded so strange, unnatural. Even so, he hd to question Kitt's judgment, because this 'bitch' didn't seem all that lovely to be around. Even the little attempt at reaffirmation that Kitt made didn't help. Oli was pretty sure that, for some people, his face alone made him seem like a target. So, he didn't take the words as a compliment like he should've; Oli just looked away with something of a cold shoulder. And here comes Ghost, loud and proud. It occurred to Oliver that there was something strikingly different in Ghost's behaviour around Ash and his attitude in front of a crowd. He didn't want to dwell on it for long, honestly - Oli had already made his judgments for the Grey leader, and really didn't want to muck that up any further than he already had. He half-expected Kitt to say something to Ghost, especially after the incident in the lobby, but music began playing. [i]Loudly.[/i] He was startled and overwhelmed, sure, but his eyes focused in to watch whatever they were doing (if only as a self-defense mechanism, because if he tuned out during such a brash routine, he was afraid of some sort of violent turn of events). The brother looked to be flirting with everyone via the use of his drum and his eyes, which would've amused Oliver had he not been caught so off-guard; the sister had a hypnotizing way of moving whilst she played, and seemed to be doing something similar (if more subtle) to her brother's flirtations. They were moving toward the 'Pack' now, and Oliver looked towards Kitt helplessly, but he seemed purely annoyed by the show. He felt eyes on him vaguely and turned his attention from the redhead to her brother, realising he was the source - Jesus, as soon as he made eye contact, he quickly looked to the floor, searching for something of interest to distract himself with. No such luck. The song ended, and that was good enough for him. It was only when the room grew quieter that he realised his heart was pounding, and his ears were ringing just slightly from the shift in volume. He really hadn't been prepared for this place, and he was only realising it fully now. Back home, everything was quiet as long as Dad was out by six, even if it was stressful [i]all the time[/i]. This, though... never before was he so prepared for an all-out anxiety attack. It became apparent that the siblings were part of Grey in no time. because now the brother was drawing closer, specifically to Oli. On edge, he leaned away from the blond, only to be met by a smile and a very gently-spoken compliment. He pursed his lips, unable to hide the hostility that flared through his eyes, but thank God - Tate had already turned around to make some big announcement. He noted the synchronization of 'at your service' and the glance sent toward him with a bad taste in his mouth. Oli'd expected to get little to no attention when he came here, but apparently, there weren't enough new kids to torture. He didn't look away, though; instead, Oli was staring coldly at Tate's back as he sat on the floor, not breaking the contact even when his sister began speaking. [i]Take it from a ten to a two, Oliver[/i], he could hear his mother's voice, and slowly dragged his gaze away from the Demerson on the ground to the one who was apparently inviting everyone listening to a liplocking session. He was about ready to actually physically attack someone when she addressed him in particular, almost as loud as their music, and apparently disregarding his feelings in their sibling semi-rivalry. He didn't even bother looking for the source of a voice that followed, presumably belonging to this 'Fauna Fontaine,' instead watching as Kitt excused himself. He didn't notice the little struggle for a chair, concerned more with Luisa. Oliver stared at her openly, his head turned til his chin was adjacent to his shoulder, like he was trying to nonverbally call her out for targeting him. He did, however, lose interest and catch sight of the mini-argument between Kitt and a Red, short-lived because Kitt was just that powerful with his verbal sway. He knew the Kitt basics by now, so the beginning of his intro didn't pertain to him, but the second and third points were very obviously directed not only toward the Demersons, but himself as well. Oli widened his eyes at Kitt once the Pink glanced back at him, trying to meet his gaze, and unintentionally looked rather threatening. Too late. The fourth point was worst of all. He stared between Kitt and the Demersons that he'd come so close to challenge, half-expecting some struggle to break out (he was pretty sure Luisa would take down not only her own brother, but Kitt, too), but none did so far. He spoke quietly beneath "Freckles" while the boy took the spotlight again. [color=8493ca][b]"Don't —"[/b][/color] Oli cut himself off, the wild look in his eyes turning away from Kitt briefly. He wanted to say [i]don't ever do that again,[/i] or [i]don't talk to me,[/i] or something coldhearted as he always did, but he knew Kitt was just doing his best to help. Oliver tried, only relatively successfully, to rid himself of the feral affectation all his features had undertaken. [color=8493ca][b]"Don't be sorry."[/b][/color] Not such a great recovery, but he offered a half-smile to make up for it before jumping slightly at the clattering chair. Jesus, this room never liked to calm down. Thankfully, a girl with the best complexion he'd ever seen stood gracefully, nothing resembling anxiety in her expression - what an inspiration, he thought. She seemed to take hold of the room and nurse it back to normalcy after that mess of events, and Oli looked on somewhat gratefully, making a point to remember her name. A Pink member. Maybe he'd have Kitt introduce him to her. Deciding that the now calm aura was all right for him to cut through, Oliver stood, although he probably should have waited longer. Nothing about his face read that he was okay. In fact, Oli looked half-wild after being stimulated so heavily, going into sensory overdrive. Call him overdramatic, but he was a mess. [color=8493ca][b]"Um... I guess my name is obvious... from [i]that,"[/i][/b][/color] he managed, referring to Kitt's wonderful namedrop, forcing out a hint of laughter. He really wasn't too bad at public speaking, but having to do it juxtaposed with agoraphobia... this wasn't exactly the most comfortable situation. [color=8493ca][b]"I'm Oliver Cash, fifteen, and I'm a new member of the Grey team, and—"[/b][/color] He came pretty damn close to admitting how homicidal he was feeling after all of that, or how much he was hating everyone here, or that he was from Emeryville. One of these things is not like the others. Nevertheless, he didn't feel like any of them were necessary. He cleared his throat, looking like a deer in headlights. [color=8493ca][b]"...thank you."[/b][/color] He quickly sat down, appearing to have been shot with some invisible bullet, and didn't meet anyone's eyes. Probably for the best. His were kind of scary for now.