[center]⚜ [b][color=00aeef]N A M E[/color][/b] ⚜ Regina ⚜ [b][color=00aeef]A G E[/color][/b] ⚜ 17 ⚜ [b][color=00aeef]G E N D E R[/color][/b] ⚜ Female ⚜ [b][color=00aeef]A F F I L I A T I O N[/color][/b] ⚜ The Bombers ⚜ [b][color=00aeef]Y E A R S W I T H G A N G[/color][/b] ⚜ 1[/center] [b][u][color=00aeef] A P P E A R A N C E [/color][/u][/b] “Gina’s a swell gal, real gorgeous. Her legs – they’re the tits and her tits, well… them’s the tits too. She’s a little plump around the middle, but she flaunts it. She’s always wearing bright little crop tops, like in the Madonna videos, y’know? And with the sexiest black leather pants. She kills me, knocks me dead every time I see her. If it’s not the pants, it’s the jean shorts. I love ha, but you wouldn’t catch her dead in a skirt, unless it’s a real big occasion.” “Her arms ain’t real big, but when she hits ya you wouldn’t even know. Hit me once, right ‘ere on my shoulder. Left mes a bruise size of a- a grapefruit, right there. You ever been hit by a train? I’ve never been hit by one but I imagine it’s about the same thing.” “She’s a fox. Not like- not in a like- uh, her mask, her mask is a fox. Y’know, the masks, the ones- the ones every wears. She acts like one – a fox, that is, uh – she’s real smart. Never finished highschool but she’s real smart. She knows how to get what she wants.” “Her family’s Italian. She’s got the olive skin, you know? They own a little restaurant on the south side and if that isn’t the most Italian thing, I don’t know what is. Word is though, the Bomber’s don’t give them no lip there, no sir.” “Don’t even get me started on the way she walks, boy. She’s got this uh, swagger, in her walking. It's hard to explain but, her hips- damn. I’ve never - in my entire life - seen a finer set of hips.” [u][b][color=00aeef] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color][/b][/u] “She’s well read. One of the brightest students I ever had. She just, didn’t apply herself. She never turned things in, heh, and one year she didn’t even turn herself in. She just stopped showing up. I frequent her father’s restaurant and I catch her there sometimes. We talk, she’s still just as bright. It’s a shame she never finished her schooling.” “She loves her books, yeah. She reads them lesbian novels. Not at all surprising, but she tries to keep it a secret. So don’t tell anyone I told you.” “She’s a real softie. Loves kids. Loves cats. She feeds the alley cats out the back of her daddy’s restaurant. She’s raising an army, heh heh. She’s a real good friend too, she’s got plenty and she does her best to look after them all. It’s a surprise how her daddy stays in business, her friends always there and they’re always getting fed for free.” “She’s a real sweet gal. A charmer, that one. Gotta look out though, cross her once and she’ll never forgive you. She’s dangerous that way. And when she don’t like you, she gives you this- uh, this stare. It’s behind the mask so you can’t see it, but you can feel it. Gives me shivers.” “She’s a drinker, a real party girl. She’s the good kind of drunk though, y’know? Just really laid back and happy. We go out to the clubs in the Westside sometimes, she’s a bit hesitant to go out there but once she’s there she has a good time. She’s an awful dancer though, don’t tell her I said that.” “When it comes to Bombers business, she’s… iffy when it comes to the rules, but generally it’s nothing serious. For example, she’s always on call for her friends, they’re whores but they call her if they need help. She gets a cut but she’s not a pimp, she’s more like… like a bodyguard, y’know? She works for them, not the other way around.” [u][b][color=00aeef] S T R E N G T H S [/color][/b][/u] [indent][color=00a651]▲[/color] [u]Popular[/u] [indent]Regina maintains a tight knit group of friends and a large circle of acquaintances outside of the gang. They come from all walks of life and many are more than willing to do her favors from time-to-time. It's no surprise that, with this large group of friends, she's learned how to keep them her friends.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=00a651]▲[/color] [u]Financially Stable[/u] [indent]Between her father's business and her work on the side, Regina always has money to fall back on. She's usually never found wanting and can afford plenty of goodies for herself and those who associate with her.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=00a651]▲[/color] [u]Hits like a Girl[/u] [indent]Regina's weapon of choice are her knuckledusters, steel, and stained neon blue like her bike. Often times she doesn't realize her own strength, as her friends can attest.[/indent][/indent] [u][b][color=00aeef] W E A K N E S S E S [/color][/b][/u] [indent][color=ed1c24]▼[/color] [u]Financially Stable[/u] [indent]Having a steady flow of cash doesn't come without it's disadvantages. Regina has never known poverty and so she's largely disconnected from the struggles of her fellow gang members, many of whom may envy her well-to-do status.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=ed1c24]▼[/color] [u]Beginner Rider[/u] [indent]Regina is young yet and generally an inexperienced rider. Her bike is slow relative to some of the other Bombers and she's not as graceful, but she can get from point A to point B.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=ed1c24]▼[/color] [u]Party Girl[/u] [indent]Regina can't resist a good party and usually goes totally overboard. With heavy partying comes heavy drinking comes heavy hangovers and when the parties are every weekend, Regina is usually feeling the side effects.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=ed1c24]▼[/color] [u]Newbie[/u] [indent]Regina hasn't had long to get accustomed to gang life, but she's fought some and isn't too bad at it. She's still got plenty to learn about the finer aspects though.[/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=00aeef] L I K E S [/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=00a651]✔[/color] New Wave, though she’s hesitant to admit it [color=00a651]✔[/color] Her neon blue and white [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaha_SR250] Yamaha SR250[/url] [color=00a651]✔[/color] Lesbian fiction [color=00a651]✔[/color] Cats, especially the alley cats that live by her restaurant in the Southside [color=00a651]✔[/color] Works of Marx, Kropotkin, and Mahkno [color=00a651]✔[/color] Cakes, pastries, etc. [/indent] [u][b][color=00aeef] D I S L I K E S [/color][/b][/u] [indent][color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Heights [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Suits and the men who wear them [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Men, for the most part [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Skirts [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Rats, mice and spiders[/indent] [u][b][color=00aeef] R E L A T I O N S H I P S [/color][/b][/u] --- [u][b][color=00aeef] T H E M E [/color][/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StKVS0eI85I]Call Me[/url] - Blondie