[@Spoo] A kind hand slows him- stopping him before he can leave with the armor, It's Xan.[color=#0b9c6d] "having a hybrid armor type isn't always the best idea. From my personal experience it causes issues such as snags and tears and often the parts tend to Come apart. Might I suggest Scale armor, or Splint-mail? if I thought you could handle it I would say I could make a set of Lammiliar. . . Those armor types work best when paired with long blades like a Longsword, however, Most men with longswords pair it with a Kite Shield or a Heater shield. Another word type you might want to learn about is the Bastard Sword- also known as the "Hand and a Half Sword"[/color] When he came two and out of the stunned state is anyone's guess- he was sneaky like that. On the other hand Kale was wordless as he gave the beggar girl the bow case and the quiver he had hidden. Once they were out of his hands he left. simply walking away wordlessly. He was not fond of his Step-mother. Speaking which, Pereylia closed that gap impressively fast for a woman in full plate- let alone on foot. Shes already sizing up the recruits, taking quick, enthusiastic steps around them, stopping to look at Harstac, who came as a bit of a surprise to her. [color=#C00100] "Nifty! Just what are you, You have wings!" [/color] This was a knight? she seemed far too energetic and not nearly serious enough. Perhaps she's just excited to be home.