[center][img]http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1458419143492529.jpg[/img][/center] It seems like wherever I go these days, I ended up getting into a line of conversation with someone that sometimes teeters to being close to "off topic". And not even that, it seems like everyone is making these discussion threads these days, so I thought I'd jump onto the train. This thread is open to anyone and everyone. The topic will forever be changing and it can range from anything that falls within the Guild rules from politics, to music, to anime, to movies and even just regular small-talk. Hell, if you even feel comfortable sharing your problems with strangers and getting advice, then you're more than welcomed to do that as well! Nothing you say or do here will be marked as "off-topic" and you can just relax and chat with your friends. Just don't break any Guild rules and respect each other. Have fun!