[center][color=Turquoise] [h1] Ambrose[/h1] [/color][/center] [sub][center]Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmkVBf01XhQ] Mozart Piano Sonata in C, K. 545; 2nd-3rd movements [/url] [/center][/sub] [hr] Ambrose walked through one of the lawns making his way to the lab. He ashed his cigarette as he passed a tree with a few birds chirping in it, glancing around to see if anyone was near, he stomped out his smoke and checked the time. He was about to be late, and he had no mod of transportation available. He threw his hands into his hoodie and began a light jog pulling his headphones on as he ran. Mozart played a dreary piano concerto in his ears as he ran. A kid on a skateboard passed him, and he remembered his days as a youth running around with all his friends. He stopped in his tracks, turning to see the skateboard again, the boy was the only one around and he was looking the other way, so he closed his eyes and put his hands together. In his head the pieces fell into place like musical notes. With the rise and fall of the concerto the pieces of a skateboard clicked together slowly like a jigsaw puzzle. As he spread his hands apart he could feel a tether there, almost like there was a world for architects and engineers alone, in which Ambrose could pull out anything he conceived, if for a short duration. He put his work on the ground testing its stability. Placing a foot with some weight on it showed it was indeed a skateboard in full working order. He hadn’t ridden one in years, but he slowly got back into the groove of the constant push. As he pushed almost at the lab now he took a deep drag of his cigarette, scanning through his phone, looking at the structure of a certain magnesium alloy that was apparently revolutionizing industries. A piece of metal made out of it was ridiculously strong for its weight and Ambrose contemplated a few different ways one may utilize it. As he watched most of the other test subjects walking into the lab, he felt the board give way. For all of a half a second he was flying through the air, the next he was on his face pulling himself up using the garbage can as leverage. He chuckled to himself. At least he didn’t burn himself with his cigarette, it remained perfectly in place at the corner of his mouth were it had been. He grabbed it, ashing and taking another deep drag, the cigarette positioned straight in his scared lips now. He zipped up his hoodie, having left it open to let the breeze hit his skin under. He nodded to the few that saw him fall over and walked in after them, covering his nose at the smell of death. He pulled out his headphones [color=turquoise] “Yo, Doc that’s the rankest thing i've smelt in my life.”[/color] He said not being able to contain it any longer as he approached the kitchen hesitantly. The smell was probably coming from there. Ambrose waited to hear a reply from the scientist but there didn’t seem to be one forthcoming. He looked at his watch, it was around dinner time but he had missed the cafeteria, what had he been doing all day? His stomach rumbled as it dawned on him that all day in his classes he had been a bit preoccupied with trying to figure out how to make an Iron Man suit and how long it would last. By his calculations it was nearly impossible, at least at his current statues. Though as he let silly notions of building Iron Mans go he started to think more practically. And thus he had spent the better part of the day, after looking up iron man lore, reading into new or intriguing things. He had gotten so caught up looking at different alloys and their strength and durability, not to mention the composition, that he forgot all about his growing hunger. He looked at the group, and nodded forward as if to say, ‘I am not going in there first.’ and he watched as Penelope walked by it and went to make some coffee. The brass on that woman. ‘What's that doc, there's a dead body in the kitchen? I'll just be in the lounge making coffee.’ Well it probably wasn't a dead body but still she sauntered by like it wasn’t anything to worry about, giving it a thought and walking on to continue her original plan. Glancing at everyone around him he took in all there faces, the lines there, the stories they told. Some smiled, others kept their head down, Ambrose tried not to look anyone in the eyes. He thought about all the things they could be thinking, though none of them knew his past it wasn’t exactly easy to hide when your face was a reminder. So he stuck to studying them while they weren’t looking, wondering what made them tick, he wanted to know how they were put together just as much as his creations. Not to rebuild them of course, that was to difficult and something he was sure would be nearly impossible. No he studied them to try and put himself back together. [hr]