Heather nodded and stayed close to either Matthew or Jerod, although the latter man was a bit scary to be close to. Luckily, she had a staff she could use at range to heal him with if the need arose. Which it did often it seemed. Jerod never stood in one spot and seemed to never care too much for his own safety according to his fighting style....and using his own body to trap weapons. Such a style made him hard to care for since she couldn't heal the wound completely until whatever weapon was out of him. She had never realized battles were so...brutal. Heather was no stranger to a staff, but practice with it wasn't all from battles. It made her a bit sick, but she had more important things to worry about. Keeping everyone healthy was first and foremost. She could feel sick later. She stuck close to Matthew, although she still left him enough room to swing his sword, as Jerod seemed content to do his own thing unless Matthew gave him orders. She doubted she could rely on Jerod to protect her at the moment. At least until the others joined them. Speaking of, she'd use her Festal to heal any distant allies, although the arrows being shot at her pretty frequently made it hard to focus. Matthew couldn't block all of them so some she had to stumble out of the way of. [i]So many people to keep an eye on. I'm not sure I can keep up...[/i] If something wasn't done to thin the enemy numbers quick, Heather would probably tire pretty quickly...