[center][color=D4AF37][h1]T H E G R E A T E S T N A T I O N S[/h1] [h2]1 9 4 0[/h2][/color] [/center] [hr] [h1]Introduction[/h1] This an alternate history roleplay, in which players imagine all types of historic nations in the technological setting of the 1920s. There are, however, a few limitations on which nations may be re-imagined. [hider=Limitations] I. You may not modify any historical occurrences prior to 1492. This means that whilst the Kingdom of Wales may exist, there must have been a separation from England or Great Britain at some point. You may suggest any nation to me to be played in the same manner. II. Your nation must be a nation that has existed at some point in history after the fall of Rome (476 C. E.). III. The reasons for the creation of your nation or the circumstances of your independence from another nation must be logical and thought out (that is, there is no conceivable reason for Lancashire to rise up in revolution from Great Britain in 1865). IV. Although not necessarily a hard limitation of which nations are theoretically possible for you to choose, note that your power level will determine how often you are expected to post. V. Only under extreme circumstances will you be allowed to play as the vassal of a nation, or a non-sovereign state of any type, the Holy Roman Empire notwithstanding. [/hider] Each week is an in-character year. Depending on your power level, you will be expected to write more or less at different intervals. [h1]HOW IT WORKS[/h1] You give me a nation and a historic head of state of said nation/province (as applicable) from any point in time after 1492. The nation should be the nation you wish to play, and the head of state gives me an idea of what regime you would most enjoy playing thematically. The name of your head of state will be determined after this process. The head of state you name will also determine the borders used in determining your approximate power on the power scale. You must also provide at least one article on your nation. This article must be from a scholarly source (.edu, .gov, a few trustworthy .coms, and for god's sake no wikipedia). I will then respond with what level your nation is on the power gradient, taking into account historical factors, whatever GDP figures may be available, and then make an admittedly utterly arbitrary estimate of your power. You may contest and give me articles, and maybe I will change my mind. [hider=Power Scale] Superpowers (Great Britain): You must write two paragraphs or more of summary of each season (One paragraph for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn in that order), and 4+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. High chat activity and general availability is also expected, as well as additional "headlines", or additional summaries of events in posts. In total, 12+ paragraphs per week. World Influence (France): You must write one paragraph or more of summary of each season (One paragraph for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn in that order), and 6+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. In total, 10+ paragraphs per week. Continental Influence (Sweden): You must write one paragraph or more of summary of each season (One paragraph for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn in that order), and 4+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. In total, 8+ paragraphs per week. Regional Influence (Argentina): You must write one paragraphs or more of summary of each season (One paragraph for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn in that order), and 2+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. In total, 6+ paragraphs per week Local Influence (Georgia): You must write 4+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. In total, 4+ paragraphs per week. Minor Infuence (Andorra): You must 2+ paragraphs of first-person accompaniment per year (7 days), all due at any point before Fridays at midnight, weekly, and to be posted after midnight on Mondays. In total, 2+ paragraphs per week. [/hider] After that is complete, and you confirm you still would like to play that nation, I will give you some nation stats and we will go from there. Right now that is very much up in the air. [i]The central point is to gauge interest right now. [/i] [hider=Mini NS] Name of Nation: Inspirational Regime/Ruler: [i]Scholarly[/i] Article: Non-Natural Territorial Holdings (Colonies, conquered area): [/hider]