[@Wraithblade6] OP updated. [@Kurai Assassin] This should be irrelevant but people can be uncultured dumbassed, but are you a minority enthnicity where you reside? Also, how are your parents with other parents? Back in my bullying days, my father unwittingly humiliated a teacher who was petty enough to pick on me because she was afraid of my dad but not me since I was the easier target. People started pushing me into roads, and one who drove illegally tried to run me over as a joke, all because of that one teacher who was such a tyrant, people feared her and joined whatever cause she was running (in this case, bullying the "orphan kid adopted by an asshole, who will grow into an asshole unless controlled young"). It became worse because all I'd do was weep in my room. Things only became better when I graduated and left the country. I hate using Facebook; the last and only post I made to direct anyone in my life on that cancerous social media was at the teacher: "Every night I go to sleep, I wonder which is worse - the reality you made into hell for me, or the nightmares you fuel and run alone for me. Keep this up; I hope you get cancer and reach 100% as the perfect specimen for a sad human existence." When the principal saw, she personally asked me why I hated school so much I skipped out on all my graduation events. I told her, and the tyrant teacher lost her job and was booted out of town because of what she did. Some of the kids still speak fondly of he because she brainwashed them with fear and Stockholm Syndrome played a hand. I don't know if a teacher who hits you, sees your bruises and snorts, "Are you dead yet? No? Too bad. Stop your sniveling, you retard." is really a 'tsundere'. So my suggestion is to find out the root of evil first. Once you identify it, know who they rely on and tell on them. Then again, my dad risked himself and said he'll shotgun them if I came home in tears and "one bit missing". ... yeah don't take my advice too much. Just, if you wanna talk, or vent, I'm here and all. We may have different walks of life, but I'm no stranger to bullying so I can empathise.