[color=#BF3EFF] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Jay or just "J" [u][b]Age[/b][/u] Twenty-one [u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u] 33rd Street Razors [b][u]Years with Gang[/u][/b] Three [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Jay stands at 6'3", weighs 215 lbs, and is slightly muscular. He's black and Mexican He's known for his tight, white shirt that shows off his muscles and abs. His shirt has a large rip on the right sleeve, somewhat of an homage to the Razors. Jay has a pair of black jeans, a pair of generic black and white Converse with it. He wears a white G-Shock watch that he values, given to him by his slain older brother. He wears a silver necklace with a cross on it. As for his mask, Jay wears a fox mask. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] -Jay is your trickster. He likes to manipulate people, especially when he knows it'll be easy. He makes himself seem nice at first until he gets what he wants. After he gets it, he'll make sure you regret it. -Jay takes pride in his gang, not letting anyone talk shit. He stands up for his gang at all times, getting pissed off when it's shit-talked. A popular rumor is that he's cut the tongue off of someone who was talking shit about the Razors. -Jay is a fighter by heart, not stopping for anybody if he's winning. You'd have to pull him off to stop him, even that won't stop him for good. He's also a natural shit-talker, instigating most of his fights. It's quite ironic that he can dish shit out, but won't take it from anyone. -Jay can't stand seeing one of his Razor members going down. And if they die, that'll mess him up psychological. He's a hard-ass in public, but cries himself to sleep often. Years of seeing family die in gangs takes its toll on him. -Jay hates when children or innocent women are hurt/killed. He deems it unnecessary, especially if it's from gang related activities. He has voiced his opinion on this plenty of times. -Jay has no problem speaking his mind on things, whether it be suggestions, complaints, or even just talking to his comrades. He's real chatty with his friends. [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] [b]Charisma[/b] With his natural trickery, he can talk people into almost anything. He's an excellent salesman, incorporating comedy and for the sake of the gang, slightly overpriced goods to those dumb enough not to check. He's been successful in bribing some corrupt cops as well, gaining a small bit of leniency with some cops. [b]Intelligence[/b] Skilled with many forms of mathematics, especially algebra. Altogether, Jay is a pretty smart guy. He knows how to apply chemistry to gang related activities. He's basically a bank account as well, able to keep track of everyone's cash, know who owes the gang and how much, and even knows how to charge interest. [b]Getaway Driver[/b] He knows the city like the back of his hand, able to navigate around and find quick shortcuts, make quick detours, and give directions with ease. Jay is a pretty reliable driver. A side "hobby" or his is street racing, making some extra cash on the side. He's been able to evade police chases almost with ease, able to shake anybody chasing him. He can drive at high speeds with great control, never really crashing even when under pressure. [b]Mastermind[/b] With his high intelligence, charming charisma, and his amazing driving and navigation skills, Jay is a powerful piece to important jobs/crimes. He thoroughly thinks his plans out, writing complicated outlines of what he wants to happen. Usually when he's given the task of organizing a job, the Razors should get a good result in the end. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] [b]Cocky[/b] Jay is really overconfident. This has led to him being jumped from bad deals, being arrested, and even almost being killed. Even his "mastermind" plans have backfired from his personal hubris. He often gives police a chance to catch up, let a fighting opponent get up, or even let someone swing first without moving. [b]Rage Monster[/b] Jay is a hothead, easily angered, and will lose his temper fast. He's ruined deals and meetups like this, and it's bound to happen again if nobody helps keep him under control. Jay is hard to calm down when he's enraged, and it's not pretty when he's raging. [b]Pothead[/b] Jay frequently smoke marijuana, sometimes getting too high to realize what the hell he's doing. He's smoked before jobs, during jobs, during fights, and he even managed to smoke in the back of a squad car. Well that's just a rumor. [b]Injuries[/b] -Jay has a weak right knee, a spot that'll take him out of a fight when hit. Jay got this injury in early childhood, tearing his ACL playing basketball. He never gave his knee the proper treatment, resulting in a weak ligament. He'll go down quite fast when attacked on this spot. He's given away huge hints when he's fought or ran, rubbing his knee when it hurts. [b]Team Player[/b] -Jay doesn't fare well alone and relies on at least one to four people travelling with him. He gets really nervous and paranoid alone, not trusting his surroundings. [b]Sloppy[/b] -Jay is sloppy with his fighting, crimes, and cleaning. He's left people beaten, or dead, out in the open before. He doesn't really understand police can track you down pretty easily. He believes he'll be fine if he just lays low after a risky job. [u][b]Likes[/b][/u] [b]33rd Street Razors[/b] This is his only family that'll accept him. After he was kicked out of his house, he joined in for good. Everyone in the Razors is considered a brother of sister to Jay. He'll ride for the Razors, he'll die for the Razors. That's how it is. He'll stop at nothing to protect his comrades. [b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3d/75/98/3d75983743fa5e240eb905fa6314db19.jpg]1986 Mitsubishi Starion[/url][/b] This is Jay's baby, a car he bought after saving money for years. He doesn't let anyone drive it but himself. He bought it off his uncle, the last bit of family that didn't kick him to the curb. He isn't big on changing the look, but the engine has been worked on a lot. This car is fast despite it's simple look. This car has a lot of good memories in it, some bad memories too. [b][url=http://www.myswitchblade.com/v/vspfiles/photos/FRANCESESTAGRP-2.jpg]11" Italian Switchblade[/url][/b] The only weapon in Jay's arsenal beside his hands. He usually uses the knife for empty threats more than actual fighting, but he's used it before. He has a small habit of flicking the blade out, just to hear the sound. [u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u] [b]The Bombers[/b] Jay absolutely dispises the Bombers. He finds them stuck-up assholes who think they're better than anyone. He hates how they view the Razors and loves to fight against them. He's known to start problems with any members he finds. [b]Deals gone wrong[/b] Nothing pissed Jay off more than a deal that ends in no profit. He will usually get pissy and either attempt to rob or attack someone who rejects his business, but not all the time. He also hates when it ends in disaster, especially when he meets with a narc or a cop. [b]Cops[/b] Pigs. Fucking pigs. Jay has a hatred for cops, especially the ones who actually do their jobs. He's had multiple run-ins with law enforcement, often getting arrested or chased. He likes to cuss cops out or just assault a random officer occasionally. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] -- [u][b]Theme[/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUpAnhFGM_M&list=LL-T58kEafzQMlsjeiR1TGyg&index=83]Asheru - Soul[/url] [/color]