[center][h1]ROKA ZALE[/h1][/center] Roka listened intently to the eloquent speech Damar shared. The man had some very good points, even if he gave the Council more credit than Roka thought they deserved. And, as Roka himself was unlikely to get near the rallying pair, Damar's word would have to do. He couldn't help himself, however, from a small smile creeping onto his face at the mention of the Dark Side, though he quickly erased it. One of his own failings was that he often forgot that most other Jedi didn't have the same view on the Dark Side as he did, and that passion was not necessarily a stepping stone to it. He nodded as Maalik concluded his thoughts, and smiled at his fellow Knight. "A very prudent choice, I think. Observers and aide-givers, not solders. I think I'd like to join you, if you'd have me. I was prepared to go to Taris anyway, as I assumed the Council would refuse aide, or as you said, are waiting to see. I already have a reputation with them in situations similar to these, though I admit this is a larger scale than I've ever encountered. If I may advise however, I know your reluctance to engage in battle, and that is a noble goal. However I will not hesitate to engage an enemy about to harm someone. The Mandalorians are ruthless. I would only suggest you consider when or if you would engage them." Roka shifted his stance a little, his gaze growing distant as he considered the other courses of action Damar had suggested. "It would seem Taris is our first destination, regardless of if we go together or not. However, if the place is too far gone, which I dearly hope is not the case, I do have a ship, a fairly quick one. We could possibly make it to more planets and help fortify them, that seems like a good idea. You are correct, the Jedi should not be an army, a sea of faceless solders. However, we must also consider that if we can help, we should. We all have different strengths, and I think we could at least keep the Mandalorians from progressing too much further. "And through it all, I think we must also check ourselves frequently, lest we become wrapped up in the idea of glory as the Mandalorians, or as you suspect our brothers over there. Our intentions must be pure in all things; this is a very difficult situation and I believe the Dark Side will take any selfish actions as a chance to begin its corruption." [@Zeroth]