"[b]Copy that Fixer. Let us know if something goes wrong in there, we'll...yell at you to fix it before we explode, or something.[/b]" A deep and rumbling voice grunted mirthlessly. The owner of this voice was a large and somewhat rugged looking man by the name of Jacque Marduk, who was currently in the process of ensuring everything would be ready for the next job. It was a bit redundant, what he was doing, as clean ups were preformed shortly after the job had been completed. Still, Jacque liked the extra security that came with personally going over everything himself. He also enjoyed being able to do something aboard the ship until a job required his specific skill set or something heavy needed to be moved. Jacque was not a fan of being idle for too long. Idle hands made no credits. Only when everything was exactly as he wanted to be did Jacque decide to stop. Once more the smuggler raised the comm to his mouth and thumbed the button as he started making his way to the upper deck, "[b]Everything's clear down low. There's bit of corrosion on the hinges of the bay door though. Not sure what it's from, but we may have to look into that when we get planet side again.[/b]". Once topside the slightly brighter lights of the upper deck reflected off of the man's goggles as he slid them up onto his shaven head. A pair of stone grey eyes flicked back and forth scanning, searching for something, a machine of great importance. When that machine was found the smuggler offered up a small smirk of satisfaction and strode over to it purposefully. Jacque reached out and pressed one of the buttons on the device. This mythical, almost holy device known as the Caf dispenser. Jacque reached over to the nearby counter and plucked up a styrofoam cup, using his free hand to strum the top of the machine rhythmically with his fingers as the rich aroma of the brewing beverage filled the air. What fortune would this day bring? He could only wonder.