[quote=@RBYDark] That's perfectly understandable. Not exactly GM, but I think it might do to have a couple traits established, particularly if, no, since there seem to be at least two characters (Father John, teaching classes, and Carolyn, following information to Miskatonic) who may know of Emil. Doesn't need to be fleshed out, but perhaps what someone may notice from observing him? Thus, changes can be justified as simply not knowing him well, and it gives them an idea on how they should react to, say, seeing your character at the library. Is he a frequent patron and so it's normal? Or is he seen so infrequently that it's considered an unusual event? As I said, I get it, though, especially since I can literally have a character change from time of sheet postage to time of first post due to execution. [/quote] Now that you say that, I think it's a good idea to do something like that. I'll come up with a few traits later on or tomorrow morning.