Barca of the raptors... A quiet, dependable battle brother. Known for his adherence to common sense above rigid regulations. He had simply listened to the inquisitor's litany, nodding to signify he had understood the man's words. Ignoring the layers of overzealous embellishment this seemed like a pretty straightforward mission. Going in, wiping out a tau commander, and ideally escaping before the xenos catched on to what was going on. Precise attacks with overwhelming force, as per the usual offensive tactica of an astartes like themselves. He took a moment to inspect the battle brothers he would be making this strike with. The majority of them somewhat worried him. The unsubtle and brutish demeanour of two space wolf and a worringly zealous battle brother of the space sharks. He did not know what to think of the dark raven. The only one he did appreciate was the librarian, quick as the man was to remind everyone where the tau faltered in battle. Barca knew all too well the tau's preference for ranged combat. His first mission to go wrong involved a tau firing line. He had vowed to himself to never underestimate the enemies of mankind again. Now, he sat in the drop pod, waiting, readying himself for landing. He had checked all his equipment already, and was doing it again, partially to not let even the smallest defect slip trough, partially to keep himself busy. The astartes didn't like waiting. Every second spent doing nothing was a second wasted in his mind. And wasting anything at all was an affront to the emperor. His came cloak was ready and had the right colors for the deployment zone. Muted greens and browns to hide in the underbrush and lay waste with his heavy bolter when the right time prevented itself. He, like many of his chapters, held some disdain for the boastful way some battle brothers conducted themselves in combat. Barca had seen such battle brothers enough times to recognize them on sight... Perhaps it was one of the reasons why he instantly disliked the presence of the space wolves and the space shark. “So, brothers. Who will be the vanguard of this formation? I, and presumably my brother of the space wolves, will already form the sternguard.” He turned to the space shark. “You perhaps? You have the air of an eager combatant about you.” Discussing tactics, it was the preferred way for a raptor to learn more of his battle brothers. A good way of judging the characters of the other elements of the kill team and a productive and argueably necesarry exercise besides.