[color=f7941d]"I've already decided on that. We're going to pawn them to their allies in exchange for favors later, or give them to Mariemaia or other allies to keep safe. Mariemaia has a large base at her disposal unlike this ship which is not meant to be a long term prison ship they can hold more enemies there. Alternatively we kill them or let them wander around this world without supplies. Brutality isn't my calling card but first and foremost are those who our allies. If we need to conserve food and supplies for our forces by letting them suffer then so be it. We're OMNI and we're bound to moral contracts here yes but we can't exactly court marshal anyone here can we? That being said I must stress we do this only when we have to."[/color] Jason stated flatly as Hiling chuckled both at Jack and Jason's brutal statements. [color=0072bc]"If I may speak Donna's statement is logical and reasonable. I believe we should go on from there. Talk when we can but prepare to fight when we have to and to eliminate any ZAFT units who can't comply with us."[/color] Paul reinforced as no one really added anything to the conversation at hand. Jason spoke up once more, [color=f26522]"So in conclusion we're going to emphasize supplies, research the signals more, and watch out for more possible allies. Does anyone want to dicusss anything further? If not then we will dismiss you all for now. You all need a chance to breath and Beta Leader we will perform a funeral for your men when we get back to the citadel."[/color] Jason stated as Paul wondered about all things considered at the moment but he had nothing too add personally.