[quote=@Prints Avoid]I'm look at about 10 for my character, so I'll be glad to see someone else with more than 6 lol[/quote] Listen b!tch, there be reasons he only has 6 -_____- Don't be dissin' >) Alrighty, I want to try something to keep everyone involved and inspired. :D So I'm going to ask questions or provide prompts to make you think about your character and get into character. I know some people don't have their finished drafts (or any draft >.> [@Prints Avoid]), so you may answer them now to help develop them or answer at a later point when you're more comfortable answering it. [b]How did your character react when the Pokestations were destroyed/disabled? When and where did they discover this news?[/b] This doesn't apply to Ellie [@Aphelion]. I also don't know if this applies to [@Prints Avoid]. So you get your own question(s). [b]How would they have viewed Pokestations? Do they have them in their native region? If not, what do they have?[/b] EDIT: I suppose I should go first >.> Forrest was in Petalburg, visiting his father-in-law's Gym with his wife and children. They only saw a great fire which rendered the Pokestation into a blackened heap of melted metal. He didn't much care that it was destroyed since he relies on the use of berries to heal and even sustain his life and those of his Pokemon. However, he was surprised that it was only the Pokestations themselves and nothing else. That someone, or some people, took the effort to destroy every Pokestation in Hoenn was definitely a curiosity. But it wasn't strong enough to investigate or inquire further.