Alex scoffed, rolling his eyes. "So have I, doesn't stop me. You're a pretty picky worm, aren't you? Weren't you just going on about how death gives to life or something like that? I don't think worms or dogs really care whether you die of natural causes or a tortuous homicide. Once it's dead, it's just meat, and if you don't eat it, some other worm will." he said mockingly, remembering her long pool-side speech. Tony was back within ten minutes, sliding them their food on greasy paper plates and giving Alex his bottle before stomping off to shout at some of the patrons for fighting over their game. Alex picked up a salt shaker, dumping a whole lot of it and pepper onto his food. "Age old trick for hiding taste. You know why europeans were so batshit crazy over spices and salts? To hide the taste of bad meat. It's funny, thousands have died, millions made, empires built, just to hide the fact that someone has a rotten lunch. Because a thousand years of war and trade is easier than inventing a damn ice box." he joked, taking a bite of his food. It was almost dripping with grease, but at least it tasted like something. Actually, it tasted rather good, compared to cafeteria food. For all the shit he gave Tony, he was actually a decent cook. If he just used decent ingredients, maybe he could run a proper diner. He put the small flask of whiskey, no bigger than a cellphone, into his pants pocket. Nothing enough to get drunk off of, at least to him, but it would relieve some headaches. He'd save it for a rainy day, when things got really irritating. His phone suddenly came alive with a barage of texts, all from different numbers. Sneering, he showed Ella the screen. "Look. They're all freaking out. Your phone is probably the same. It'll be a quiet day at school, tomorrow. Everyone will be either grounded or hungover. Or both. Probably both. Stupid kids, can't handle their own booze. American beer isn't even strong anyways. Tastes like watered down horse piss. Real beer is supposed to taste like concentrated horse piss." he commented, closing the phone without answering any of them. It was smart to have gotten out of their. Most house parties didn't up like that, but when they did, it was unpleasant for everyone involved.